summary refs log tree commit diff
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
feature/gnome-tweaksUpdate gnome tweaks natural scroll and titlebar placementSophie15 months
feature/setup-gnome-terminal-profileApply default gnome terminal default profileSophie15 months
mainAdd simple utility for doing FX conversions.Alen13 months
sophie/settingsAdd Sophie's gnome terminal settingsSophie16 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-12-18Add simple utility for doing FX conversions. HEAD mainAlen
2023-10-18Add Python to prerequisitesAlen
2023-09-26Add giti functionAlen
2023-09-26Add compaudit and zrecompile to autoload -U, autoload and run colorsAlen
2023-09-25Add basic IPython config and startup scriptsAlen
2023-09-25Add XDG user dirs overrideAlen
2023-09-24Add basic midnight commander iniAlen
2023-09-24Add basic ranger rc.confAlen
2023-09-24Add dummy mpv.confAlen
2023-09-24Add pass completionAlen