summary refs log tree commit diff
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
feature/gnome-tweaksUpdate gnome tweaks natural scroll and titlebar placementSophie17 months
feature/setup-gnome-terminal-profileApply default gnome terminal default profileSophie17 months
mainAutoload setup_checklistAlen2 months
sophie/settingsAdd Sophie's gnome terminal settingsSophie18 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2025-01-19Autoload setup_checklist HEAD mainAlen
2025-01-19Switch to new gopass config pathAlen
2025-01-19Fix nano config generationAlen
2025-01-19Only set up brew if presentAlen
2025-01-19Tidy up PATH bootstrapping, set up core brew PATHs in zshenvAlen
2025-01-19Add extra words to macOS dictionaryAlen
2025-01-19Make .local/bin executables also executable within repoAlen
2025-01-19Improve Rust PATH addingAlen
2025-01-19Add mpv configAlen
2025-01-19Add default neofetch configAlen