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path: root/dot_config/mpv/scripts/seek-to.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'dot_config/mpv/scripts/seek-to.lua')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dot_config/mpv/scripts/seek-to.lua b/dot_config/mpv/scripts/seek-to.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57c200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dot_config/mpv/scripts/seek-to.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+local assdraw = require 'mp.assdraw'
+local active = false
+local cursor_position = 1
+local time_scale = {60*60*10, 60*60, 60*10, 60, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001}
+local ass_begin = mp.get_property("osd-ass-cc/0")
+local ass_end = mp.get_property("osd-ass-cc/1")
+local history = { {} }
+for i = 1, 9 do
+    history[1][i] = 0
+local history_position = 1
+local timer = nil
+local timer_duration = 3
+function show_seeker()
+    local prepend_char = {'','',':','',':','','.','',''}
+    local str = ''
+    for i = 1, 9 do
+        str = str .. prepend_char[i]
+        if i == cursor_position then
+            str = str .. '{\\b1}' .. history[history_position][i] .. '{\\r}'
+        else
+            str = str .. history[history_position][i]
+        end
+    end
+    mp.osd_message("Seek to: " .. ass_begin .. str .. ass_end, timer_duration)
+function copy_history_to_last()
+    if history_position ~= #history then
+        for i = 1, 9 do
+            history[#history][i] = history[history_position][i]
+        end
+        history_position = #history
+    end
+function change_number(i)
+    if (cursor_position == 3 or cursor_position == 5) and i >= 6 then
+        return
+    end
+    if history[history_position][cursor_position] ~= i then
+        copy_history_to_last()
+        history[#history][cursor_position] = i
+    end
+    shift_cursor(false)
+function shift_cursor(left)
+    if left then
+        cursor_position = math.max(1, cursor_position - 1)
+    else
+        cursor_position = math.min(cursor_position + 1, 9)
+    end
+function current_time_as_sec(time)
+    local sec = 0
+    for i = 1, 9 do
+        sec = sec + time_scale[i] * time[i]
+    end
+    return sec
+function time_equal(lhs, rhs)
+    for i = 1, 9 do
+        if lhs[i] ~= rhs[i] then
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    return true
+function seek_to()
+    copy_history_to_last()
+    mp.commandv("osd-bar", "seek", current_time_as_sec(history[history_position]), "absolute")
+    if #history == 1 or not time_equal(history[history_position], history[#history - 1]) then
+        history[#history + 1] = {}
+        history_position = #history
+    end
+    for i = 1, 9 do
+        history[#history][i] = 0
+    end
+function backspace()
+    if cursor_position ~= 9 or current_time[9] == 0 then
+        shift_cursor(true)
+    end
+    if history[history_position][cursor_position] ~= 0 then
+        copy_history_to_last()
+        history[#history][cursor_position] = 0
+    end
+function history_move(up)
+    if up then
+        history_position = math.max(1, history_position - 1)
+    else
+        history_position = math.min(history_position + 1, #history)
+    end
+local key_mappings = {
+    LEFT  = function() shift_cursor(true) show_seeker() end,
+    RIGHT = function() shift_cursor(false) show_seeker() end,
+    UP    = function() history_move(true) show_seeker() end,
+    DOWN  = function() history_move(false) show_seeker() end,
+    BS    = function() backspace() show_seeker() end,
+    ESC   = function() set_inactive() end,
+    ENTER = function() seek_to() set_inactive() end
+for i = 0, 9 do
+    local func = function() change_number(i) show_seeker() end
+    key_mappings[string.format("KP%d", i)] = func
+    key_mappings[string.format("%d", i)] = func
+function set_active()
+    if not mp.get_property("seekable") then return end
+    local duration = mp.get_property_number("duration")
+    if duration ~= nil then
+        for i = 1, 9 do
+            if duration > time_scale[i] then
+                cursor_position = i
+                break
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    for key, func in pairs(key_mappings) do
+        mp.add_forced_key_binding(key, "seek-to-"..key, func)
+    end
+    show_seeker()
+    timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(timer_duration, show_seeker)
+    active = true
+function set_inactive()
+    mp.osd_message("")
+    for key, _ in pairs(key_mappings) do
+        mp.remove_key_binding("seek-to-"..key)
+    end
+    timer:kill()
+    active = false
+mp.add_key_binding(nil, "toggle-seeker", function() if active then set_inactive() else set_active() end end)