# Non-deployed files /README.md /venv/ # Compiled files, special OS files **/*.zwc **/*.pyc **/.DS_Store # Ignore Library/ for non-macOS {{ if ne .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}} /Library/ {{- end }} # Ignore OneDrive/ and Documents/ for non-Windows {{ if ne .chezmoi.os "windows" }} /OneDrive /Documents {{ end }} {{ if ne .chezmoi.os "darwin" -}} # Ignore .CFUserTextEncoding for non-macOS /.CFUserTextEncoding # Ignore reminders.swift for non-macOS /.local/bin/reminders.swift # Ignore run_macos_* for non-macOS /*macos_*.sh # Symlink to homebrew python3 /.local/bin/python {{- end }} # Ignore run_gnome_* for non-GNOME {{ if not (lookPath "dconf") -}} /*gnome_*.sh {{- end }} # Ignore all shell scripts on Windows {{ if eq .chezmoi.os "windows" -}} /*.sh {{- end }}