-- mpv-osc-modern by maoiscat -- email:valarmor@163.com -- https://github.com/maoiscat/mpv-osc-modern -- fork by cyl0 - https://github.com/cyl0/ModernX/ -- further fork by zydezu -- added some changes from dexeonify - https://github.com/dexeonify/mpv-config#difference-between-upstream-modernx local assdraw = require 'mp.assdraw' local msg = require 'mp.msg' local utils = require 'mp.utils' -- Parameters -- default user option values -- may change them in osc.conf local user_opts = { -- general settings -- language = 'en', -- en:English, chs:Chinese, pl:Polish, jp:Japanese welcomescreen = true, -- show the mpv 'play files' screen upon open windowcontrols = 'auto', -- whether to show OSC window controls, 'auto', 'yes' or 'no' showwindowed = true, -- show OSC when windowed? showfullscreen = true, -- show OSC when fullscreen? noxmas = false, -- disable santa hat in December -- scaling settings -- vidscale = false, -- whether to scale the controller with the video scalewindowed = 2.0, -- scaling of the controller when windowed scalefullscreen = 3.0, -- scaling of the controller when fullscreen scaleforcedwindow = 2.0, -- scaling when rendered on a forced window -- interface settings -- hidetimeout = 2000, -- duration in ms until OSC hides if no mouse movement fadeduration = 150, -- duration of fade out in ms, 0 = no fade minmousemove = 0, -- amount of pixels the mouse has to move for OSC to show scrollingSpeed = 40, -- the speed of scrolling text in menus showonpause = true, -- whether to disable the hide timeout on pause bottomhover = true, -- if the osc should only display when hovering at the bottom raisesubswithosc = true, -- whether to raise subtitles above the osc when it's shown thumbnailborder = 2, -- the width of the thumbnail border -- title and chapter settings -- showtitle = true, -- show title in OSC showdescription = true, -- show video description on web videos showwindowtitle = true, -- show window title in borderless/fullscreen mode titleBarStrip = true, -- whether to make the title bar a singular bar instead of a black fade title = '${media-title}', -- title shown on OSC - turn off dynamictitle for this option to apply dynamictitle = true, -- change the title depending on if {media-title} and {filename} -- differ (like with playing urls, audio or some media) font = 'mpv-osd-symbols', -- default osc font -- to be shown as OSC title titlefontsize = 28, -- the font size of the title text chapterformat = 'Chapter: %s', -- chapter print format for seekbar-hover. "no" to disable dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d", -- how dates should be formatted, when read from metadata -- (uses standard lua date formatting) osc_color = '000000', -- accent of the OSC and the title bar OSCfadealpha = 150, -- alpha of the background box for the OSC boxalpha = 75, -- alpha of the window title bar descriptionBoxAlpha = 100, -- alpha of the description background box -- seekbar settings -- seekbarfg_color = 'E39C42', -- color of the seekbar progress and handle seekbarbg_color = 'FFFFFF', -- color of the remaining seekbar seekbarkeyframes = false, -- use keyframes when dragging the seekbar seekbarhandlesize = 0.8, -- size ratio of the slider handle, range 0 ~ 1 seekrange = true, -- show seekrange overlay seekrangealpha = 150, -- transparency of seekranges iconstyle = 'round', -- icon style, 'solid' or 'round' hovereffect = true, -- whether buttons have a glowing effect when hovered over -- button settings -- timetotal = true, -- display total time instead of remaining time by default timems = false, -- show time as milliseconds by default timefontsize = 17, -- the font size of the time jumpamount = 5, -- change the jump amount (in seconds by default) jumpiconnumber = true, -- show different icon when jumpamount is 5, 10, or 30 jumpmode = 'exact', -- seek mode for jump buttons. e.g. -- 'exact', 'relative+keyframes', etc. volumecontrol = true, -- whether to show mute button and volume slider volumecontroltype = 'linear', -- use linear or logarithmic volume scale showjump = true, -- show "jump forward/backward 5 seconds" buttons showskip = true, -- show the skip back and forward (chapter) buttons compactmode = true, -- replace the jump buttons with the chapter buttons, clicking the -- buttons will act as jumping, and shift clicking will act as -- skipping a chapter showloop = false, -- show the loop button loopinpause = true, -- activate looping by right clicking pause showontop = true, -- show window on top button showinfo = false, -- show the info button downloadbutton = true, -- show download button for web videos ytdlpQuality = '-S res,ext:mp4:m4a' -- what quality of video the download button uses (max quality mp4 by default) } -- Icons for jump button depending on jumpamount local jumpicons = { [5] = {'\239\142\177', '\239\142\163'}, [10] = {'\239\142\175', '\239\142\161'}, [30] = {'\239\142\176', '\239\142\162'}, default = {'\239\142\178 ', '\239\142\178'}, -- second icon is mirrored in layout() } local icons = { previous = '\239\142\181', next = '\239\142\180', play = '\239\142\170', pause = '\239\142\167', replay = '', -- copied private use character backward = '\239\142\160', forward = '\239\142\159', audio = '', volume = '', volumelow = '', volumemute = '', sub = '', minimize = '', fullscreen = '', loopoff = '', loopon = '', info = '', download = '', downloading = '', ontopon = '', ontopoff = '', } -- Localization local language = { ['en'] = { welcome = '{\\fs24\\1c&H0&\\1c&HFFFFFF&}Drop files or URLs to play here.', -- this text appears when mpv starts off = 'OFF', na = 'n/a', none = 'None available', video = 'Video', audio = 'Audio', subtitle = 'Subtitle', nosub = 'No subtitles available', noaudio = 'No audio tracks available', track = ' tracks:', playlist = 'Playlist', nolist = 'Empty playlist.', chapter = 'Chapter', nochapter = 'No chapters.', ontop = 'Pin window', ontopdisable = 'Unpin window', loopenable = 'Enable looping', loopdisable = 'Disable looping', }, ['chs'] = { welcome = '{\\fs24\\1c&H0&\\1c&HFFFFFF&}将文件或URL放在这里播放', -- this text appears when mpv starts off = '关闭', na = 'n/a', none = '无数据', video = '视频', audio = '音频', subtitle = '字幕', nosub = "没有字幕", -- please check these translations noaudio = "不提供音轨", -- please check these translations track = ':', playlist = '播放列表', nolist = '无列表信息', chapter = '章节', nochapter = '无章节信息', ontop = '启用窗口停留在顶层', -- please check these translations ontopdisable = '禁用停留在顶层的窗口', -- please check these translations loopenable = '启用循环功能', loopdisable = '禁用循环功能', }, ['pl'] = { welcome = '{\\fs24\\1c&H0&\\1c&HFFFFFF&}Upuść plik lub łącze URL do odtworzenia.', -- this text appears when mpv starts off = 'WYŁ.', na = 'n/a', none = 'nic', video = 'Wideo', audio = 'Audio', subtitle = 'Napisy', nosub = 'Brak dostępnych napisów', -- please check these translations noaudio = 'Brak dostępnych ścieżek dźwiękowych', -- please check these translations track = ' ścieżki:', playlist = 'Lista odtwarzania', nolist = 'Lista odtwarzania pusta.', chapter = 'Rozdział', nochapter = 'Brak rozdziałów.', ontop = 'Przypnij okno do góry', ontopdisable = 'Odepnij okno od góry', loopenable = 'Włączenie zapętlenia', loopdisable = 'Wyłączenie zapętlenia', }, ['jp'] = { welcome = '{\\fs24\\1c&H0&\\1c&HFFFFFF&}ファイルやURLのリンクをここにドロップすると再生されます。', -- this text appears when mpv starts off = 'OFF', na = 'n/a', none = 'なし', video = 'ビデオ', audio = 'オーディオ', subtitle = 'サブタイトル', nosub = '字幕はありません', noaudio = 'オーディオトラックはありません', track = 'トラック:', playlist = 'プレイリスト', nolist = '空のプレイリスト.', chapter = 'チャプター', nochapter = '利用可能なチャプターはありません.', ontop = 'ピンウィンドウをトップに表示', ontopdisable = 'ウィンドウを上からアンピンする', loopenable = 'ループON', loopdisable = 'ループOFF', } } -- read options from config and command-line (require 'mp.options').read_options(user_opts, 'modernx', function(list) update_options(list) end) -- apply lang opts local texts = language[user_opts.language] local osc_param = { -- calculated by osc_init() playresy = 0, -- canvas size Y playresx = 0, -- canvas size X display_aspect = 1, unscaled_y = 0, areas = {}, } local iconfont = user_opts.iconstyle == 'round' and 'Material-Design-Iconic-Round' or 'Material-Design-Iconic-Font' local osc_styles = { TransBg = "{\\blur100\\bord" .. user_opts.OSCfadealpha .. "\\1c&H000000&\\3c&H" .. user_opts.osc_color .. "&}", SeekbarBg = "{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H" .. user_opts.seekbarbg_color .. "&}", SeekbarFg = "{\\blur1\\bord1\\1c&H" .. user_opts.seekbarfg_color .. "&}", VolumebarBg = '{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&H999999&}', VolumebarFg = '{\\blur1\\bord1\\1c&HFFFFFF&}', Ctrl1 = '{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&HFFFFFF&\\fs36\\fn' .. iconfont .. '}', Ctrl2 = '{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&HFFFFFF&\\fs24\\fn' .. iconfont .. '}', Ctrl2Flip = '{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&HFFFFFF&\\fs24\\fn' .. iconfont .. '\\fry180', Ctrl3 = '{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&HFFFFFF&\\fs24\\fn' .. iconfont .. '}', Time = '{\\blur0\\bord0\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&H000000&\\fs' .. user_opts.timefontsize .. '\\fn' .. user_opts.font .. '}', Tooltip = '{\\blur1\\bord0.5\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&H000000&\\fs' .. user_opts.timefontsize .. '\\fn' .. user_opts.font .. '}', Title = '{\\blur1\\bord0.5\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&H0\\fs'.. user_opts.titlefontsize ..'\\q2\\fn' .. user_opts.font .. '}', WindowTitle = '{\\blur1\\bord0.5\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&H0\\fs'.. 18 ..'\\q2\\fn' .. user_opts.font .. '}', Description = '{\\blur1\\bord0.5\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&H000000&\\fs'.. 18 ..'\\q2\\fn' .. user_opts.font .. '}', WinCtrl = '{\\blur1\\bord0.5\\1c&HFFFFFF&\\3c&H0\\fs20\\fnmpv-osd-symbols}', elementDown = '{\\1c&H999999&}', elementHover = "{\\blur5\\2c&HFFFFFF&}", wcBar = "{\\1c&H" .. user_opts.osc_color .. "}", } -- internal states, do not touch local state = { showtime, -- time of last invocation (last mouse move) osc_visible = false, anistart, -- time when the animation started anitype, -- current type of animation animation, -- current animation alpha mouse_down_counter = 0, -- used for softrepeat active_element = nil, -- nil = none, 0 = background, 1+ = see elements[] active_event_source = nil, -- the 'button' that issued the current event rightTC_trem = not user_opts.timetotal, -- if the right timecode should display total or remaining time mp_screen_sizeX, mp_screen_sizeY, -- last screen-resolution, to detect resolution changes to issue reINITs initREQ = false, -- is a re-init request pending? last_mouseX, last_mouseY, -- last mouse position, to detect significant mouse movement mouse_in_window = false, message_text, message_hide_timer, fullscreen = false, tick_timer = nil, tick_last_time = 0, -- when the last tick() was run initialborder = mp.get_property('border'), hide_timer = nil, cache_state = nil, idle = false, playingWhilstSeeking = false, playingWhilstSeekingWaitingForEnd = false, enabled = true, input_enabled = true, showhide_enabled = false, border = true, maximized = false, osd = mp.create_osd_overlay('ass-events'), mute = false, fulltime = user_opts.timems, chapter_list = {}, -- sorted by time looping = false, videoDescription = "", -- fill if it is a YouTube descriptionLoaded = false, showingDescription = false, downloadedOnce = false, downloadFileName = "", scrolledlines = 25, isWebVideo = false, path = "", -- used for yt-dlp downloading downloading = false, fileSizeBytes = 0, fileSizeNormalised = "Approximating size...", localDescription = nil, localDescriptionClick = nil, localDescriptionIsClickable = false, videoCantBeDownloaded = false, } local thumbfast = { width = 0, height = 0, disabled = true, available = false } local window_control_box_width = 138 local tick_delay = 0.03 local is_december = os.date("*t").month == 12 --- Automatically disable OSC local builtin_osc_enabled = mp.get_property_native('osc') if builtin_osc_enabled then mp.set_property_native('osc', false) end -- -- Helperfunctions -- function kill_animation() state.anistart = nil state.animation = nil state.anitype = nil end function set_osd(res_x, res_y, text) if state.osd.res_x == res_x and state.osd.res_y == res_y and state.osd.data == text then return end state.osd.res_x = res_x state.osd.res_y = res_y state.osd.data = text state.osd.z = 1000 state.osd:update() end -- scale factor for translating between real and virtual ASS coordinates function get_virt_scale_factor() local w, h = mp.get_osd_size() if w <= 0 or h <= 0 then return 0, 0 end return osc_param.playresx / w, osc_param.playresy / h end -- return mouse position in virtual ASS coordinates (playresx/y) function get_virt_mouse_pos() if state.mouse_in_window then local sx, sy = get_virt_scale_factor() local x, y = mp.get_mouse_pos() return x * sx, y * sy else return -1, -1 end end function set_virt_mouse_area(x0, y0, x1, y1, name) local sx, sy = get_virt_scale_factor() mp.set_mouse_area(x0 / sx, y0 / sy, x1 / sx, y1 / sy, name) end function scale_value(x0, x1, y0, y1, val) local m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) local b = y0 - (m * x0) return (m * val) + b end -- returns hitbox spanning coordinates (top left, bottom right corner) -- according to alignment function get_hitbox_coords(x, y, an, w, h) local alignments = { [1] = function () return x, y-h, x+w, y end, [2] = function () return x-(w/2), y-h, x+(w/2), y end, [3] = function () return x-w, y-h, x, y end, [4] = function () return x, y-(h/2), x+w, y+(h/2) end, [5] = function () return x-(w/2), y-(h/2), x+(w/2), y+(h/2) end, [6] = function () return x-w, y-(h/2), x, y+(h/2) end, [7] = function () return x, y, x+w, y+h end, [8] = function () return x-(w/2), y, x+(w/2), y+h end, [9] = function () return x-w, y, x, y+h end, } return alignments[an]() end function get_hitbox_coords_geo(geometry) return get_hitbox_coords(geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.an, geometry.w, geometry.h) end function get_element_hitbox(element) return element.hitbox.x1, element.hitbox.y1, element.hitbox.x2, element.hitbox.y2 end function mouse_hit(element) return mouse_hit_coords(get_element_hitbox(element)) end function mouse_hit_coords(bX1, bY1, bX2, bY2) local mX, mY = get_virt_mouse_pos() return (mX >= bX1 and mX <= bX2 and mY >= bY1 and mY <= bY2) end function limit_range(min, max, val) if val > max then val = max elseif val < min then val = min end return val end -- translate value into element coordinates function get_slider_ele_pos_for(element, val) local ele_pos = scale_value( element.slider.min.value, element.slider.max.value, element.slider.min.ele_pos, element.slider.max.ele_pos, val) return limit_range( element.slider.min.ele_pos, element.slider.max.ele_pos, ele_pos) end -- translates global (mouse) coordinates to value function get_slider_value_at(element, glob_pos) local val = scale_value( element.slider.min.glob_pos, element.slider.max.glob_pos, element.slider.min.value, element.slider.max.value, glob_pos) return limit_range( element.slider.min.value, element.slider.max.value, val) end -- get value at current mouse position function get_slider_value(element) return get_slider_value_at(element, get_virt_mouse_pos()) end -- multiplies two alpha values, formular can probably be improved function mult_alpha(alphaA, alphaB) return 255 - (((1-(alphaA/255)) * (1-(alphaB/255))) * 255) end function add_area(name, x1, y1, x2, y2) -- create area if needed if (osc_param.areas[name] == nil) then osc_param.areas[name] = {} end table.insert(osc_param.areas[name], {x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2}) end function ass_append_alpha(ass, alpha, modifier) local ar = {} for ai, av in pairs(alpha) do av = mult_alpha(av, modifier) if state.animation then av = mult_alpha(av, state.animation) end ar[ai] = av end ass:append(string.format('{\\1a&H%X&\\2a&H%X&\\3a&H%X&\\4a&H%X&}', ar[1], ar[2], ar[3], ar[4])) end function ass_draw_cir_cw(ass, x, y, r) ass:round_rect_cw(x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r, r) end function ass_draw_rr_h_cw(ass, x0, y0, x1, y1, r1, hexagon, r2) if hexagon then ass:hexagon_cw(x0, y0, x1, y1, r1, r2) else ass:round_rect_cw(x0, y0, x1, y1, r1, r2) end end function ass_draw_rr_h_ccw(ass, x0, y0, x1, y1, r1, hexagon, r2) if hexagon then ass:hexagon_ccw(x0, y0, x1, y1, r1, r2) else ass:round_rect_ccw(x0, y0, x1, y1, r1, r2) end end -- -- Tracklist Management -- local nicetypes = {video = texts.video, audio = texts.audio, sub = texts.subtitle} -- updates the OSC internal playlists, should be run each time the track-layout changes function update_tracklist() local tracktable = mp.get_property_native('track-list', {}) -- by osc_id tracks_osc = {} tracks_osc.video, tracks_osc.audio, tracks_osc.sub = {}, {}, {} -- by mpv_id tracks_mpv = {} tracks_mpv.video, tracks_mpv.audio, tracks_mpv.sub = {}, {}, {} for n = 1, #tracktable do if not (tracktable[n].type == 'unknown') then local type = tracktable[n].type local mpv_id = tonumber(tracktable[n].id) -- by osc_id table.insert(tracks_osc[type], tracktable[n]) -- by mpv_id tracks_mpv[type][mpv_id] = tracktable[n] tracks_mpv[type][mpv_id].osc_id = #tracks_osc[type] end end end -- return a nice list of tracks of the given type (video, audio, sub) function get_tracklist(type) local msg = nicetypes[type] .. texts.track if not tracks_osc or #tracks_osc[type] == 0 then msg = texts.none else for n = 1, #tracks_osc[type] do local track = tracks_osc[type][n] local lang, title, selected = 'unknown', '', '○' if not(track.lang == nil) then lang = track.lang end if not(track.title == nil) then title = track.title end if (track.id == tonumber(mp.get_property(type))) then selected = '●' end msg = msg..'\n'..selected..' '..n..': ['..lang..'] '..title end end return msg end -- relatively change the track of given by tracks --(+1 -> next, -1 -> previous) function set_track(type, next) local current_track_mpv, current_track_osc if (mp.get_property(type) == 'no') then current_track_osc = 0 else current_track_mpv = tonumber(mp.get_property(type)) current_track_osc = tracks_mpv[type][current_track_mpv].osc_id end local new_track_osc = (current_track_osc + next) % (#tracks_osc[type] + 1) local new_track_mpv if new_track_osc == 0 then new_track_mpv = 'no' else new_track_mpv = tracks_osc[type][new_track_osc].id end mp.commandv('set', type, new_track_mpv) end -- get the currently selected track of , OSC-style counted function get_track(type) local track = mp.get_property(type) if track ~= 'no' and track ~= nil then local tr = tracks_mpv[type][tonumber(track)] if tr then return tr.osc_id end end return 0 end -- convert slider_pos to logarithmic depending on volumecontrol user_opts function set_volume(slider_pos) local volume = slider_pos if user_opts.volumecontroltype == "log" then volume = slider_pos^2 / 100 end return math.floor(volume) end -- WindowControl helpers function window_controls_enabled() val = user_opts.windowcontrols if val == 'auto' then return (not state.border) or state.fullscreen else return val ~= 'no' end end function window_controls_alignment() return user_opts.windowcontrols_alignment end -- -- Element Management -- local elements = {} function prepare_elements() -- remove elements without layout or invisble local elements2 = {} for n, element in pairs(elements) do if not (element.layout == nil) and (element.visible) then table.insert(elements2, element) end end elements = elements2 function elem_compare (a, b) return a.layout.layer < b.layout.layer end table.sort(elements, elem_compare) for _,element in pairs(elements) do local elem_geo = element.layout.geometry -- Calculate the hitbox local bX1, bY1, bX2, bY2 = get_hitbox_coords_geo(elem_geo) element.hitbox = {x1 = bX1, y1 = bY1, x2 = bX2, y2 = bY2} local style_ass = assdraw.ass_new() -- prepare static elements style_ass:append('{}') -- hack to troll new_event into inserting a \n style_ass:new_event() style_ass:pos(elem_geo.x, elem_geo.y) style_ass:an(elem_geo.an) style_ass:append(element.layout.style) element.style_ass = style_ass local static_ass = assdraw.ass_new() if (element.type == 'box') then --draw box static_ass:draw_start() ass_draw_rr_h_cw(static_ass, 0, 0, elem_geo.w, elem_geo.h, element.layout.box.radius, element.layout.box.hexagon) static_ass:draw_stop() elseif (element.type == 'slider') then --draw static slider parts local slider_lo = element.layout.slider -- calculate positions of min and max points element.slider.min.ele_pos = user_opts.seekbarhandlesize * elem_geo.h / 2 element.slider.max.ele_pos = elem_geo.w - element.slider.min.ele_pos element.slider.min.glob_pos = element.hitbox.x1 + element.slider.min.ele_pos element.slider.max.glob_pos = element.hitbox.x1 + element.slider.max.ele_pos static_ass:draw_start() -- a hack which prepares the whole slider area to allow center placements such like an=5 static_ass:rect_cw(0, 0, elem_geo.w, elem_geo.h) static_ass:rect_ccw(0, 0, elem_geo.w, elem_geo.h) -- marker nibbles if not (element.slider.markerF == nil) and (slider_lo.gap > 0) then local markers = element.slider.markerF() for _,marker in pairs(markers) do if (marker >= element.slider.min.value) and (marker <= element.slider.max.value) then local s = get_slider_ele_pos_for(element, marker) if (slider_lo.gap > 5) then -- draw triangles --top if (slider_lo.nibbles_top) then static_ass:move_to(s - 3, slider_lo.gap - 5) static_ass:line_to(s + 3, slider_lo.gap - 5) static_ass:line_to(s, slider_lo.gap - 1) end --bottom if (slider_lo.nibbles_bottom) then static_ass:move_to(s - 3, elem_geo.h - slider_lo.gap + 5) static_ass:line_to(s, elem_geo.h - slider_lo.gap + 1) static_ass:line_to(s + 3, elem_geo.h - slider_lo.gap + 5) end else -- draw 2x1px nibbles --top if (slider_lo.nibbles_top) then static_ass:rect_cw(s - 1, 0, s + 1, slider_lo.gap); end --bottom if (slider_lo.nibbles_bottom) then static_ass:rect_cw(s - 1, elem_geo.h - slider_lo.gap, s + 1, elem_geo.h); end end end end end end element.static_ass = static_ass -- if the element is supposed to be disabled, -- style it accordingly and kill the eventresponders if not (element.enabled) then element.layout.alpha[1] = 215 if (not (element.name == "cy_sub" or element.name == "cy_audio")) then -- keep these to display tooltips element.eventresponder = nil end end -- gray out the element if it is toggled off if (element.off) then element.layout.alpha[1] = 100 end end end -- -- Element Rendering -- -- returns nil or a chapter element from the native property chapter-list function get_chapter(possec) local cl = state.chapter_list -- sorted, get latest before possec, if any for n=#cl,1,-1 do if possec >= cl[n].time then return cl[n] end end end function render_elements(master_ass) -- when the slider is dragged or hovered and we have a target chapter name -- then we use it instead of the normal title. we calculate it before the -- render iterations because the title may be rendered before the slider. state.forced_title = nil -- disable displaying chapter name in title when thumbfast is available -- because thumbfast will render it above the thumbnail instead if thumbfast.disabled then local se, ae = state.slider_element, elements[state.active_element] if user_opts.chapterformat ~= "no" and se and (ae == se or (not ae and mouse_hit(se))) then local dur = mp.get_property_number("duration", 0) if dur > 0 then local possec = get_slider_value(se) * dur / 100 -- of mouse pos local ch = get_chapter(possec) if ch and ch.title and ch.title ~= "" then state.forced_title = string.format(user_opts.chapterformat, ch.title) end end end end for n=1, #elements do local element = elements[n] local style_ass = assdraw.ass_new() style_ass:merge(element.style_ass) ass_append_alpha(style_ass, element.layout.alpha, 0) if element.eventresponder and (state.active_element == n) then -- run render event functions if not (element.eventresponder.render == nil) then element.eventresponder.render(element) end if mouse_hit(element) then -- mouse down styling if (element.styledown) then style_ass:append(osc_styles.elementDown) end if (element.softrepeat) and (state.mouse_down_counter >= 15 and state.mouse_down_counter % 5 == 0) then element.eventresponder[state.active_event_source..'_down'](element) end state.mouse_down_counter = state.mouse_down_counter + 1 end end local elem_ass = assdraw.ass_new() elem_ass:merge(style_ass) if not (element.type == 'button') then elem_ass:merge(element.static_ass) end if (element.type == 'slider') then local slider_lo = element.layout.slider local elem_geo = element.layout.geometry local s_min = element.slider.min.value local s_max = element.slider.max.value -- draw pos marker local pos = element.slider.posF() local seekRanges = element.slider.seekRangesF() local rh = user_opts.seekbarhandlesize * elem_geo.h / 2 -- Handle radius local xp if pos then xp = get_slider_ele_pos_for(element, pos) ass_draw_cir_cw(elem_ass, xp, elem_geo.h/2, rh) elem_ass:rect_cw(0, slider_lo.gap, xp, elem_geo.h - slider_lo.gap) end if seekRanges then elem_ass:draw_stop() elem_ass:merge(element.style_ass) ass_append_alpha(elem_ass, element.layout.alpha, user_opts.seekrangealpha) elem_ass:merge(element.static_ass) for _,range in pairs(seekRanges) do local pstart = get_slider_ele_pos_for(element, range['start']) local pend = get_slider_ele_pos_for(element, range['end']) elem_ass:rect_cw(pstart - rh, slider_lo.gap, pend + rh, elem_geo.h - slider_lo.gap) end end elem_ass:draw_stop() -- add tooltip if not (element.slider.tooltipF == nil) then if mouse_hit(element) then local sliderpos = get_slider_value(element) local tooltiplabel = element.slider.tooltipF(sliderpos) local an = slider_lo.tooltip_an local ty if (an == 2) then ty = element.hitbox.y1 else ty = element.hitbox.y1 + elem_geo.h/2 end local tx = get_virt_mouse_pos() if (slider_lo.adjust_tooltip) then if (an == 2) then if (sliderpos < (s_min + 3)) then an = an - 1 elseif (sliderpos > (s_max - 3)) then an = an + 1 end elseif (sliderpos > (s_max-s_min)/2) then an = an + 1 tx = tx - 5 else an = an - 1 tx = tx + 10 end end -- thumbfast if element.thumbnailable and not thumbfast.disabled then local osd_w = mp.get_property_number("osd-width") local r_w, r_h = get_virt_scale_factor() if osd_w then local hover_sec = 0 if (mp.get_property_number("duration")) then hover_sec = mp.get_property_number("duration") * sliderpos / 100 end local thumbPad = user_opts.thumbnailborder local thumbMarginX = 18 / r_w local thumbMarginY = user_opts.timefontsize + thumbPad + 2 / r_h local thumbX = math.min(osd_w - thumbfast.width - thumbMarginX, math.max(thumbMarginX, tx / r_w - thumbfast.width / 2)) local thumbY = (ty - thumbMarginY) / r_h - thumbfast.height thumbX = math.floor(thumbX + 0.5) thumbY = math.floor(thumbY + 0.5) elem_ass:new_event() elem_ass:pos(thumbX * r_w, ty - thumbMarginY - thumbfast.height * r_h) elem_ass:append(osc_styles.Tooltip) elem_ass:draw_start() elem_ass:rect_cw(-thumbPad * r_w, -thumbPad * r_h, (thumbfast.width + thumbPad) * r_w, (thumbfast.height + thumbPad) * r_h) elem_ass:draw_stop() -- force tooltip to be centered on the thumb, even at far left/right of screen tx = (thumbX + thumbfast.width / 2) * r_w an = 2 mp.commandv("script-message-to", "thumbfast", "thumb", hover_sec, thumbX, thumbY) -- chapter title local se, ae = state.slider_element, elements[state.active_element] if user_opts.chapterformat ~= "no" and se and (ae == se or (not ae and mouse_hit(se))) then local dur = mp.get_property_number("duration", 0) if dur > 0 then local possec = get_slider_value(se) * dur / 100 -- of mouse pos local ch = get_chapter(possec) if ch and ch.title and ch.title ~= "" then elem_ass:new_event() elem_ass:pos((thumbX + thumbfast.width / 2) * r_w, thumbY * r_h - user_opts.timefontsize) elem_ass:an(an) elem_ass:append(slider_lo.tooltip_style) ass_append_alpha(elem_ass, slider_lo.alpha, 0) elem_ass:append(string.format(user_opts.chapterformat, ch.title)) end end end end end -- tooltip label elem_ass:new_event() elem_ass:pos(tx, ty) elem_ass:an(an) elem_ass:append(slider_lo.tooltip_style) ass_append_alpha(elem_ass, slider_lo.alpha, 0) elem_ass:append(tooltiplabel) elseif element.thumbnailable and thumbfast.available then mp.commandv("script-message-to", "thumbfast", "clear") end end elseif (element.type == 'button') then local buttontext if type(element.content) == 'function' then buttontext = element.content() -- function objects elseif not (element.content == nil) then buttontext = element.content -- text objects end buttontext = buttontext:gsub(':%((.?.?.?)%) unknown ', ':%(%1%)') --gsub('%) unknown %(\'', '') local maxchars = element.layout.button.maxchars if not (maxchars == nil) and (#buttontext > maxchars) then local max_ratio = 1.25 -- up to 25% more chars while shrinking local limit = math.max(0, math.floor(maxchars * max_ratio) - 3) if (#buttontext > limit) then while (#buttontext > limit) do buttontext = buttontext:gsub(".[\128-\191]*$", "") end buttontext = buttontext .. "..." end local _, nchars2 = buttontext:gsub(".[\128-\191]*", "") local stretch = (maxchars/#buttontext)*100 buttontext = string.format("{\\fscx%f}", (maxchars/#buttontext)*100) .. buttontext end elem_ass:append(buttontext) -- add tooltip for audio and subtitle tracks if not (element.tooltipF == nil) then if mouse_hit(element) then local tooltiplabel = element.tooltipF local an = 1 local ty = element.hitbox.y1 local tx = get_virt_mouse_pos() if ty < osc_param.playresy / 2 then ty = element.hitbox.y2 an = 7 end -- tooltip label if element.enabled then if type(element.tooltipF) == 'function' then tooltiplabel = element.tooltipF() else tooltiplabel = element.tooltipF end else tooltiplabel = element.nothingavailable end if tx > osc_param.playresx / 2 then --move tooltip to left side of mouse cursor tx = tx - string.len(tooltiplabel) * 8 end elem_ass:new_event() elem_ass:pos(tx, ty) elem_ass:an(an) elem_ass:append(element.tooltip_style) elem_ass:append(tooltiplabel) end end if user_opts.hovereffect == true then -- add hover effect -- source: https://github.com/Zren/mpvz/issues/13 local button_lo = element.layout.button local is_clickable = element.eventresponder and ( element.eventresponder["mbtn_left_down"] ~= nil or element.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] ~= nil ) if mouse_hit(element) and is_clickable and element.enabled then local shadow_ass = assdraw.ass_new() shadow_ass:merge(style_ass) shadow_ass:append(button_lo.hoverstyle .. buttontext) elem_ass:merge(shadow_ass) end end end master_ass:merge(elem_ass) end end -- -- Message display -- -- pos is 1 based function limited_list(prop, pos) local proplist = mp.get_property_native(prop, {}) local count = #proplist if count == 0 then return count, proplist end local fs = tonumber(mp.get_property('options/osd-font-size')) local max = math.ceil(osc_param.unscaled_y*0.75 / fs) if max % 2 == 0 then max = max - 1 end local delta = math.ceil(max / 2) - 1 local begi = math.max(math.min(pos - delta, count - max + 1), 1) local endi = math.min(begi + max - 1, count) local reslist = {} for i=begi, endi do local item = proplist[i] item.current = (i == pos) and true or nil table.insert(reslist, item) end return count, reslist end -- downloading -- function startupevents() state.videoDescription = "Loading description..." state.fileSizeNormalised = "Approximating size..." checktitle() checkWebLink() end function checktitle() local mediatitle = mp.get_property("media-title") if (mp.get_property("filename") ~= mediatitle) and user_opts.dynamictitle then if (string.find(mp.get_property("path"), "watch?")) then user_opts.title = "${media-title}" -- youtube videos elseif mp.get_property("filename/no-ext") ~= mediatitle then msg.info("Changing title to include filename") user_opts.title = "${media-title} | ${filename}" -- {filename/no-ext} else user_opts.title = "${filename}" -- audio with the same title (without file extension) and filename end end -- fake description using metadata state.localDescription = nil state.localDescriptionClick = nil local title = mp.get_property("media-title") local artist = mp.get_property("filtered-metadata/by-key/Artist") or mp.get_property("filtered-metadata/by-key/Album_Artist") or mp.get_property("filtered-metadata/by-key/Uploader") local album = mp.get_property("filtered-metadata/by-key/Album") local description = mp.get_property("filtered-metadata/by-key/Description") local date = mp.get_property("filtered-metadata/by-key/Date") state.localDescriptionClick = title .. "\\N----------\\N" if (description ~= nil) then description = string.gsub(description, '\n', '\\N') state.localDescription = description state.localDescriptionIsClickable = true end if (artist ~= nil) then if (state.localDescription == nil) then state.localDescription = "By: " .. artist if (state.localDescriptionClick ~= nil) then state.localDescriptionClick = state.localDescriptionClick .. state.localDescription else state.localDescriptionClick = "By: " .. artist end state.localDescriptionIsClickable = true else state.localDescriptionClick = state.localDescriptionClick .. state.localDescription .. "\\N----------\\NBy: " .. artist state.localDescription = state.localDescription:sub(1, 120) .. " | By: " .. artist end end if (album ~= nil) then if (state.localDescription == nil) then -- only metadata state.localDescription = album else -- append to other metadata if (state.localDescriptionClick ~= nil) then state.localDescriptionClick = state.localDescriptionClick .. " / " .. album else state.localDescriptionClick = album state.localDescriptionIsClickable = true end state.localDescription = state.localDescription .. " / " .. album end end if (date ~= nil) then local datenormal = normaliseDate(date) if (state.localDescription == nil) then -- only metadata state.localDescription = datenormal else -- append to other metadata if (state.localDescriptionClick ~= nil) then state.localDescriptionClick = state.localDescriptionClick .. "\\NDate: " .. datenormal else state.localDescriptionClick = datenormal state.localDescriptionIsClickable = true end state.localDescription = state.localDescription .. " / Date: " .. datenormal end end end function normaliseDate(date) if (#date > 4) then -- YYYYMMDD local dateTable = {year = date:sub(1,4), month = date:sub(5,6), day = date:sub(7,8)} return os.date(user_opts.dateformat, os.time(dateTable)) else -- YYYY return date end end function checkWebLink() state.isWebVideo = false local path = mp.get_property("path") if not path then return nil end if string.find(path, "https://") then path = string.gsub(path, "ytdl://", "") -- Strip possible ytdl:// prefix else path = string.gsub(path, "ytdl://", "https://") -- Strip possible ytdl:// prefix and replace with "https://" if there it isn't there already end local function is_url(s) return nil ~= string.match(s, "^[%w]-://[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]+%." .. "[a-zA-Z0-9()][a-zA-Z0-9()]?[a-zA-Z0-9()]?[a-zA-Z0-9()]?[a-zA-Z0-9()]?[a-zA-Z0-9()]?" .. "[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&/=]*") end if is_url(path) and path or nil then state.isWebVideo = true state.path = path msg.info("WEB: Video is a web video") if user_opts.downloadbutton then msg.info("WEB: Loading filesize...") local command = { "yt-dlp", "--no-download", "-O%(filesize,filesize_approx)s", path } exec_filesize(command) end -- Youtube Return Dislike API -- API get probably windows only right now state.dislikes = "" exec_dislikes({"curl","https://returnyoutubedislikeapi.com/votes?videoId="..string.gsub(mp.get_property_osd("filename"), "watch%?v=", "")}) if user_opts.showdescription then msg.info("WEB: Loading description...") local command = { "yt-dlp", "--no-download", "-O %(title)s\\N----------\\N%(description)s\\N----------\\NUploaded by: %(uploader)s\nUploaded on: %(upload_date>".. user_opts.dateformat ..")s\nLikes: %(like_count)s", path } exec_description(command) end end end function exec(args, callback) msg.info("WEB: Running: " .. table.concat(args, " ")) local ret = mp.command_native_async({ name = "subprocess", args = args, capture_stdout = true, capture_stderr = true }, callback) msg.info("WEB: Download complete.") return ret.status end function downloadDone(success, result, error) if success then show_message("\\N{\\an9}Download saved to " .. mp.command_native({"expand-path", "~~desktop/mpv/downloads"})) state.downloadedOnce = true else show_message("\\N{\\an9}WEB: Download failed - " .. (error or "Unknown error")) end state.downloading = false end function exec_description(args, result) local ret = mp.command_native_async({ name = "subprocess", args = args, capture_stdout = true, capture_stderr = true }, function(res, val, err) -- replace actual linebreaks with ASS linebreaks state.localDescriptionClick = string.gsub(val.stdout .. state.dislikes, '\n', "\\N") -- check if description exists, if it doesn't get rid of the extra "----------" local descriptionText = state.localDescriptionClick:match("\\N----------\\N(.-)\\N----------\\N") if (descriptionText == '' or descriptionText == '\\N') then state.localDescriptionClick = state.localDescriptionClick:gsub("(.*)\\N----------\\N", "%1") end -- segment localDescriptionClick parts with " - " local beforeLastPattern, afterLastPattern = state.localDescriptionClick:match("(.*)\\N----------\\N(.*)") beforeLastPattern = beforeLastPattern:sub(1, 120) state.videoDescription = beforeLastPattern .. "\\N----------\\N" .. afterLastPattern:gsub("\\N", " / ") local startPos, endPos = state.videoDescription:find("\\N----------\\N") state.videoDescription = string.gsub(state.videoDescription:sub(endPos + 1), "\\N----------\\N", " | ") state.descriptionLoaded = true msg.info("WEB: Loaded video description") end) end function exec_dislikes(args, result) local ret = mp.command_native_async({ name = "subprocess", args = args, capture_stdout = true, capture_stderr = true }, function(res, val, err) local dislikes = val.stdout dislikes = tonumber(dislikes:match('"dislikes":(%d+)')) if dislikes then state.dislikes = "Dislikes: " .. dislikes msg.info("WEB: Fetched dislike count") else state.dislikes = "" end if (not state.descriptionLoaded) then state.localDescriptionClick = state.localDescriptionClick .. state.dislikes state.videoDescription = state.localDescriptionClick end end) end function exec_filesize(args, result) local function formatBytes(numberBytes) local suffixes = {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB"} local index = 1 while numberBytes >= 1024 and index < #suffixes do numberBytes = numberBytes / 1024 index = index + 1 end return string.format("%.2f %s", numberBytes, suffixes[index]) end local ret = mp.command_native_async({ name = "subprocess", args = args, capture_stdout = true, capture_stderr = true }, function(res, val, err) local fileSizeString = val.stdout state.fileSizeBytes = tonumber(fileSizeString) if type(state.fileSizeBytes) ~= "number" then state.fileSizeNormalised = "Unknown..." -- state.videoCantBeDownloaded = true else state.fileSizeNormalised = "Size: ~" .. formatBytes(state.fileSizeBytes) msg.info("WEB: File size: " .. state.fileSizeBytes .. " B / " .. state.fileSizeNormalised) end request_tick() end) end -- playlist and chapters -- function get_playlist() local pos = mp.get_property_number('playlist-pos', 0) + 1 local count, limlist = limited_list('playlist', pos) if count == 0 then return texts.nolist end local message = string.format(texts.playlist .. ' [%d/%d]:\n', pos, count) for i, v in ipairs(limlist) do local title = v.title local _, filename = utils.split_path(v.filename) if title == nil then title = filename end message = string.format('%s %s %s\n', message, (v.current and '●' or '○'), title) end return message end function get_chapterlist() local pos = mp.get_property_number('chapter', 0) + 1 local count, limlist = limited_list('chapter-list', pos) if count == 0 then return texts.nochapter end local message = string.format(texts.chapter.. ' [%d/%d]:\n', pos, count) for i, v in ipairs(limlist) do local time = mp.format_time(v.time) local title = v.title if title == nil then title = string.format(texts.chapter .. ' %02d', i) end message = string.format('%s[%s] %s %s\n', message, time, (v.current and '●' or '○'), title) end return message end function show_message(text, duration) if state.showingDescription then destroyscrollingkeys() end if duration == nil then duration = tonumber(mp.get_property('options/osd-duration')) / 1000 elseif not type(duration) == 'number' then print('duration: ' .. duration) end -- cut the text short, otherwise the following functions -- may slow down massively on huge input text = string.sub(text, 0, 4000) -- replace actual linebreaks with ASS linebreaks text = string.gsub(text, '\n', '\\N') state.message_text = text if not state.message_hide_timer then state.message_hide_timer = mp.add_timeout(0, request_tick) end state.message_hide_timer:kill() state.message_hide_timer.timeout = duration state.message_hide_timer:resume() request_tick() end function bind_keys(keys, name, func, opts) if not keys then mp.add_forced_key_binding(keys, name, func, opts) return end local i = 1 for key in keys:gmatch("[^%s]+") do local prefix = i == 1 and '' or i mp.add_forced_key_binding(key, name .. prefix, func, opts) i = i + 1 end end function unbind_keys(keys, name) if not keys then mp.remove_key_binding(name) return end local i = 1 for key in keys:gmatch("[^%s]+") do local prefix = i == 1 and '' or i mp.remove_key_binding(name .. prefix) i = i + 1 end end function destroyscrollingkeys() state.showingDescription = false state.scrolledlines = 25 show_message("",0.01) -- dirty way to clear text unbind_keys("UP WHEEL_UP", "move_up") unbind_keys("DOWN WHEEL_DOWN", "move_down") unbind_keys("ENTER MBTN_LEFT", "select") unbind_keys("ESC MBTN_RIGHT", "close") end function show_description(text) duration = 10 text = string.gsub(text, '\n', '\\N') -- enable scrolling of menu -- bind_keys("UP WHEEL_UP", "move_up", function() state.scrolledlines = state.scrolledlines + user_opts.scrollingSpeed if (state.scrolledlines > 25) then state.scrolledlines = 25 end state.message_hide_timer:kill() state.message_hide_timer.timeout = duration state.message_hide_timer:resume() request_tick() end, { repeatable = true }) bind_keys("DOWN WHEEL_DOWN", "move_down", function() state.scrolledlines = state.scrolledlines - user_opts.scrollingSpeed state.message_hide_timer:kill() state.message_hide_timer.timeout = duration state.message_hide_timer:resume() request_tick() end, { repeatable = true }) bind_keys("ENTER MBTN_LEFT", "select", destroyscrollingkeys) bind_keys("ESC MBTN_RIGHT", "close", destroyscrollingkeys) --close menu using ESC state.message_text = text if not state.message_hide_timer then state.message_hide_timer = mp.add_timeout(0, request_tick) end state.message_hide_timer:kill() state.message_hide_timer.timeout = duration state.message_hide_timer:resume() request_tick() end function render_message(ass) if state.message_hide_timer and state.message_hide_timer:is_enabled() and state.message_text then local _, lines = string.gsub(state.message_text, '\\N', '') local fontsize = tonumber(mp.get_property('options/osd-font-size')) local outline = tonumber(mp.get_property('options/osd-border-size')) local maxlines = math.ceil(osc_param.unscaled_y*0.75 / fontsize) local counterscale = osc_param.playresy / osc_param.unscaled_y fontsize = fontsize * counterscale / math.max(0.65 + math.min(lines/maxlines, 1), 1) outline = outline * counterscale / math.max(0.75 + math.min(lines/maxlines, 1)/2, 1) if state.showingDescription then ass.text = string.format('{\\pos(0,0)\\an7\\1c&H000000&\\alpha&H%X&}', user_opts.descriptionBoxAlpha) ass:draw_start() ass:rect_cw(0, 0, osc_param.playresx, osc_param.playresy) ass:draw_stop() ass:new_event() end local style = '{\\bord' .. outline .. '\\fs' .. fontsize .. '}' ass:new_event() ass:append(style .. state.message_text) if state.showingDescription then ass:pos(20, state.scrolledlines) local alpha = 10 end else state.message_text = nil if state.showingDescription then destroyscrollingkeys() end end end -- -- Initialisation and Layout -- function new_element(name, type) elements[name] = {} elements[name].type = type elements[name].name = name -- add default stuff elements[name].eventresponder = {} elements[name].visible = true elements[name].enabled = true elements[name].softrepeat = false elements[name].styledown = (type == 'button') elements[name].state = {} if (type == 'slider') then elements[name].slider = {min = {value = 0}, max = {value = 100}} elements[name].thumbnailable = false end return elements[name] end function add_layout(name) if not (elements[name] == nil) then -- new layout elements[name].layout = {} -- set layout defaults elements[name].layout.layer = 50 elements[name].layout.alpha = {[1] = 0, [2] = 255, [3] = 255, [4] = 255} if (elements[name].type == 'button') then elements[name].layout.button = { maxchars = nil, hoverstyle = osc_styles.elementHover, } elseif (elements[name].type == 'slider') then -- slider defaults elements[name].layout.slider = { border = 1, gap = 1, nibbles_top = true, nibbles_bottom = true, adjust_tooltip = true, tooltip_style = '', tooltip_an = 2, alpha = {[1] = 0, [2] = 255, [3] = 88, [4] = 255}, } elseif (elements[name].type == 'box') then elements[name].layout.box = {radius = 0, hexagon = false} end return elements[name].layout else msg.error('Can\'t add_layout to element \''..name..'\', doesn\'t exist.') end end -- Window Controls function window_controls() local wc_geo = { x = 0, y = 30, an = 1, w = osc_param.playresx, h = 30 } local controlbox_w = window_control_box_width local titlebox_w = wc_geo.w - controlbox_w -- Default alignment is 'right' local controlbox_left = wc_geo.w - controlbox_w local titlebox_left = wc_geo.x local titlebox_right = wc_geo.w - controlbox_w add_area('window-controls', get_hitbox_coords(controlbox_left, wc_geo.y, wc_geo.an, controlbox_w, wc_geo.h)) local lo -- Background Bar if user_opts.titleBarStrip then new_element("wcbar", "box") lo = add_layout("wcbar") lo.geometry = wc_geo lo.layer = 10 lo.style = osc_styles.wcBar lo.alpha[1] = user_opts.boxalpha end local button_y = wc_geo.y - (wc_geo.h / 2) local first_geo = {x = controlbox_left + 30, y = button_y, an = 5, w = 40, h = wc_geo.h} local second_geo = {x = controlbox_left + 74, y = button_y, an = 5, w = 40, h = wc_geo.h} local third_geo = {x = controlbox_left + 118, y = button_y, an = 5, w = 40, h = wc_geo.h} -- Window control buttons use symbols in the custom mpv osd font -- because the official unicode codepoints are sufficiently -- exotic that a system might lack an installed font with them, -- and libass will complain that they are not present in the -- default font, even if another font with them is available. -- Window Title if user_opts.showwindowtitle then ne = new_element("windowtitle", "button") ne.content = function () local title = mp.command_native({"expand-text", mp.get_property('title')}) -- escape ASS, and strip newlines and trailing slashes title = title:gsub("\\n", " "):gsub("\\$", ""):gsub("{","\\{") local titleval = not (title == "") and title or "mpv video" if (mp.get_property('ontop') == 'yes') then return "📌 " .. titleval end return titleval end lo = add_layout('windowtitle') geo = {x = 10, y = button_y + 10, an = 1, w = osc_param.playresx - 50, h = wc_geo.h} lo.geometry = geo lo.style = osc_styles.WindowTitle lo.button.maxchars = geo.w / 10 end -- Close: 🗙 ne = new_element('close', 'button') ne.content = '\238\132\149' ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () mp.commandv('quit') end lo = add_layout('close') lo.geometry = third_geo lo.style = osc_styles.WinCtrl lo.button.hoverstyle = "{\\c&H2311E8&}" -- Minimize: 🗕 ne = new_element('minimize', 'button') ne.content = '\238\132\146' ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () mp.commandv('cycle', 'window-minimized') end lo = add_layout('minimize') lo.geometry = first_geo lo.style = osc_styles.WinCtrl -- Maximize: 🗖/🗗 ne = new_element('maximize', 'button') if state.maximized or state.fullscreen then ne.content = '\238\132\148' else ne.content = '\238\132\147' end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () if state.fullscreen then mp.commandv('cycle', 'fullscreen') else mp.commandv('cycle', 'window-maximized') end end lo = add_layout('maximize') lo.geometry = second_geo lo.style = osc_styles.WinCtrl end -- -- ModernX Layout -- local layouts = {} -- Default layout layouts = function () local osc_geo = { w = osc_param.playresx, h = 180 } -- origin of the controllers, left/bottom corner local posX = 0 local posY = osc_param.playresy osc_param.areas = {} -- delete areas -- area for active mouse input add_area('input', get_hitbox_coords(posX, posY, 1, osc_geo.w, osc_geo.h)) -- area for show/hide add_area('showhide', 0, 0, osc_param.playresx, osc_param.playresy) -- fetch values local osc_w, osc_h= osc_geo.w, osc_geo.h -- Controller Background local lo, geo new_element('TransBg', 'box') lo = add_layout('TransBg') lo.geometry = {x = posX, y = posY, an = 7, w = osc_w, h = 1} lo.style = osc_styles.TransBg lo.layer = 10 lo.alpha[3] = 0 if not user_opts.titleBarStrip and not state.border then new_element('TitleTransBg', 'box') lo = add_layout('TitleTransBg') lo.geometry = {x = posX, y = -100, an = 7, w = osc_w, h = -1} lo.style = osc_styles.TransBg lo.layer = 10 lo.alpha[3] = 0 end -- Alignment local refX = osc_w / 2 local refY = posY -- Seekbar new_element('seekbarbg', 'box') lo = add_layout('seekbarbg') lo.geometry = {x = refX , y = refY - 100 , an = 5, w = osc_geo.w - 50, h = 2} lo.layer = 13 lo.style = osc_styles.SeekbarBg lo.alpha[1] = 128 lo.alpha[3] = 128 lo = add_layout('seekbar') lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 100 , an = 5, w = osc_geo.w - 50, h = 16} lo.style = osc_styles.SeekbarFg lo.slider.gap = 7 lo.slider.tooltip_style = osc_styles.Tooltip lo.slider.tooltip_an = 2 local showjump = user_opts.showjump local showskip = user_opts.showskip local showloop = user_opts.showloop local showinfo = user_opts.showinfo local showontop = user_opts.showontop if user_opts.compactmode then user_opts.showjump = false showjump = false end local offset = showjump and 60 or 0 local outeroffset = (showskip and 0 or 100) + (showjump and 0 or 100) -- Title geo = {x = 25, y = refY - 122 + (((state.localDescription ~= nil or state.isWebVideo) and user_opts.showdescription) and -20 or 0), an = 1, w = osc_geo.w - 50, h = 35} lo = add_layout("title") lo.geometry = geo lo.style = string.format("%s{\\clip(0,%f,%f,%f)}", osc_styles.Title, geo.y - geo.h, geo.x + geo.w, geo.y + geo.h) lo.alpha[3] = 0 lo.button.maxchars = geo.w / 13 -- Description if (state.localDescription ~= nil or state.isWebVideo) and user_opts.showdescription then geo = {x = 25, y = refY - 122, an = 1, w = osc_geo.w, h = 19} lo = add_layout("description") lo.geometry = geo lo.style = osc_styles.Description lo.alpha[3] = 0 lo.button.maxchars = geo.w / 8 end -- Volumebar lo = new_element('volumebarbg', 'box') lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 900 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volumecontrol lo = add_layout('volumebarbg') lo.geometry = {x = 155, y = refY - 40, an = 4, w = 80, h = 2} lo.layer = 13 lo.alpha[1] = 128 lo.style = osc_styles.VolumebarBg lo = add_layout('volumebar') lo.geometry = {x = 155, y = refY - 40, an = 4, w = 80, h = 8} lo.style = osc_styles.VolumebarFg lo.slider.gap = 3 lo.slider.tooltip_style = osc_styles.Tooltip lo.slider.tooltip_an = 2 -- buttons lo = add_layout('pl_prev') if showskip then lo.geometry = {x = refX - 120 - offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} else lo.geometry = {x = refX - 60 - offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} end lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl2 if showskip then lo = add_layout('skipback') lo.geometry = {x = refX - 60 - offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl2 end if showjump then lo = add_layout('jumpback') lo.geometry = {x = refX - 60, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl2 end lo = add_layout('playpause') lo.geometry = {x = refX, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 45, h = 45} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl1 if showjump then lo = add_layout('jumpfrwd') lo.geometry = {x = refX + 60, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} -- HACK: jumpfrwd's icon must be mirrored for nonstandard # of seconds -- as the font only has an icon without a number for rewinding lo.style = (user_opts.jumpiconnumber and jumpicons[user_opts.jumpamount] ~= nil) and osc_styles.Ctrl2 or osc_styles.Ctrl2Flip end if showskip then lo = add_layout('skipfrwd') lo.geometry = {x = refX + 60 + offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl2 end lo = add_layout('pl_next') if showskip then lo.geometry = {x = refX + 120 + offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} else lo.geometry = {x = refX + 60 + offset, y = refY - 40 , an = 5, w = 30, h = 24} end lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl2 -- Time lo = add_layout('tc_left') lo.geometry = {x = 25, y = refY - 84, an = 7, w = 64, h = 20} lo.style = osc_styles.Time lo = add_layout('tc_right') lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 25 , y = refY -84, an = 9, w = 64, h = 20} lo.style = osc_styles.Time -- Audio/Subtitle lo = add_layout('cy_audio') lo.geometry = {x = 37, y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 500 - outeroffset) lo = add_layout('cy_sub') lo.geometry = {x = 82, y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset) lo = add_layout('vol_ctrl') lo.geometry = {x = 127, y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 700 - outeroffset) -- Fullscreen/Loop/Info lo = add_layout('tog_fs') lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 37, y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 250 - outeroffset) if showontop then lo = add_layout('tog_ontop') lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 127 + (showloop and 0 or 50), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 700 - outeroffset) end if showloop then lo = add_layout('tog_loop') lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 82, y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset) end if showinfo then lo = add_layout('tog_info') lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 172 + (showloop and 0 or 50) + (showontop and 0 or 50), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 500 - outeroffset) end if user_opts.downloadbutton then lo = add_layout('download') lo.geometry = {x = osc_geo.w - 217 + (showloop and 0 or 50) + (showontop and 0 or 50) + (showinfo and 0 or 50), y = refY - 40, an = 5, w = 24, h = 24} lo.style = osc_styles.Ctrl3 lo.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 400 - outeroffset) end end -- Validate string type user options function validate_user_opts() if user_opts.windowcontrols ~= 'auto' and user_opts.windowcontrols ~= 'yes' and user_opts.windowcontrols ~= 'no' then msg.warn('windowcontrols cannot be \'' .. user_opts.windowcontrols .. '\'. Ignoring.') user_opts.windowcontrols = 'auto' end if user_opts.volumecontroltype ~= "linear" and user_opts.volumecontroltype ~= "log" then msg.warn("volumecontrol cannot be \"" .. user_opts.volumecontroltype .. "\". Ignoring.") user_opts.volumecontroltype = "linear" end end function update_options(list) validate_user_opts() request_tick() visibility_mode("auto") request_init() end -- OSC INIT function osc_init() msg.debug('osc_init') -- set canvas resolution according to display aspect and scaling setting local baseResY = 720 local display_w, display_h, display_aspect = mp.get_osd_size() local scale = 1 if (mp.get_property('video') == 'no') then -- dummy/forced window scale = user_opts.scaleforcedwindow elseif state.fullscreen then scale = user_opts.scalefullscreen else scale = user_opts.scalewindowed end if user_opts.vidscale then osc_param.unscaled_y = baseResY else osc_param.unscaled_y = display_h end osc_param.playresy = osc_param.unscaled_y / scale if (display_aspect > 0) then osc_param.display_aspect = display_aspect end osc_param.playresx = osc_param.playresy * osc_param.display_aspect -- stop seeking with the slider to prevent skipping files state.active_element = nil elements = {} -- some often needed stuff local pl_count = mp.get_property_number('playlist-count', 0) local have_pl = (pl_count > 1) local pl_pos = mp.get_property_number('playlist-pos', 0) + 1 local have_ch = (mp.get_property_number('chapters', 0) > 0) local loop = mp.get_property('loop-playlist', 'no') local nojumpoffset = user_opts.showjump and 0 or 100 local noskipoffset = user_opts.showskip and 0 or 100 local compactmode = user_opts.compactmode if compactmode then nojumpoffset = 100 end local outeroffset = (user_opts.showskip and 0 or 140) + (user_opts.showjump and 0 or 140) if compactmode then outeroffset = 140 end local ne -- title ne = new_element('title', 'button') ne.visible = user_opts.showtitle ne.content = function () local title = state.forced_title or mp.command_native({"expand-text", user_opts.title}) -- escape ASS, and strip newlines and trailing slashes title = title:gsub("\\n", " "):gsub("\\$", ""):gsub("{","\\{") return not (title == "") and title or "mpv video" end ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = function () local title = mp.get_property_osd("media-title") show_message(title) end ne.eventresponder["mbtn_right_up"] = function () show_message(mp.get_property_osd("filename")) end -- description ne = new_element('description', 'button') ne.visible = (state.localDescription ~= nil or state.isWebVideo) and user_opts.showdescription ne.content = function () if state.isWebVideo then local title = "Loading description..." if (state.descriptionLoaded) then title = state.videoDescription:sub(1, 300) end -- get rid of new lines title = string.gsub(title, '\\N', ' ') return not (title == "") and title or "error" else return string.gsub(state.localDescription, '\\N', ' ') end end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () if state.descriptionLoaded or state.localDescriptionIsClickable then if state.showingDescription then state.showingDescription = false destroyscrollingkeys() else state.showingDescription = true if (state.isWebVideo) then show_description(state.localDescriptionClick) else if (state.localDescriptionClick == nil) then show_description(state.localDescription) else show_description(state.localDescriptionClick) end end end end end -- playlist buttons -- prev ne = new_element('pl_prev', 'button') ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 500 - nojumpoffset - noskipoffset*(nojumpoffset == 0 and 1 or 10)) ne.content = icons.previous ne.enabled = (pl_pos > 1) or (loop ~= 'no') ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function ()mp.commandv('playlist-prev', 'weak') end ne.eventresponder['enter'] = function () mp.commandv('playlist-prev', 'weak') show_message(get_playlist()) end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_up'] = function () show_message(get_playlist()) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () show_message(get_playlist()) end --next ne = new_element('pl_next', 'button') ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 500 - nojumpoffset - noskipoffset*(nojumpoffset == 0 and 1 or 10)) ne.content = icons.next ne.enabled = (have_pl and (pl_pos < pl_count)) or (loop ~= 'no') ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () mp.commandv('playlist-next', 'weak') end ne.eventresponder['enter'] = function () mp.commandv('playlist-next', 'weak') show_message(get_playlist()) end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_up'] = function () show_message(get_playlist()) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () show_message(get_playlist()) end --play control buttons --playpause ne = new_element('playpause', 'button') ne.content = function () if mp.get_property("eof-reached") == "yes" then return (icons.replay) elseif mp.get_property("pause") == "yes" and not state.playingWhilstSeeking then return (icons.play) else return (icons.pause) end end ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = function () if mp.get_property("eof-reached") == "yes" then mp.commandv("seek", 0, "absolute-percent") mp.commandv("set", "pause", "no") else mp.commandv("cycle", "pause") end end ne.eventresponder["mbtn_right_down"] = function () if (state.looping) then show_message("Looping disabled") else show_message("Looping enabled") end state.looping = not state.looping mp.set_property_native("loop-file", state.looping) end if user_opts.showjump then local jumpamount = user_opts.jumpamount local jumpmode = user_opts.jumpmode local icons = jumpicons.default if user_opts.jumpiconnumber then icons = jumpicons[jumpamount] or jumpicons.default end --jumpback ne = new_element('jumpback', 'button') ne.softrepeat = true ne.content = icons[1] ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_down'] = function () mp.commandv('seek', -jumpamount, jumpmode) end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_down'] = function () mp.commandv('seek', -60, jumpmode) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () mp.commandv('frame-back-step') end --jumpfrwd ne = new_element('jumpfrwd', 'button') ne.softrepeat = true ne.content = icons[2] ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_down'] = function () mp.commandv('seek', jumpamount, jumpmode) end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_down'] = function () mp.commandv('seek', 60, jumpmode) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () mp.commandv('frame-step') end end --skipback local jumpamount = user_opts.jumpamount local jumpmode = user_opts.jumpmode ne = new_element('skipback', 'button') ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 400 - nojumpoffset*10) ne.softrepeat = true ne.content = icons.backward ne.enabled = (have_ch) or compactmode -- disables button when no chapters available. ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_down'] = function () if compactmode then mp.commandv('seek', -jumpamount, jumpmode) else mp.commandv("add", "chapter", -1) end end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_down'] = function () if compactmode then mp.commandv("add", "chapter", -1) show_message(get_chapterlist()) show_message(get_chapterlist()) -- run twice as it might show the wrong chapter without another function else show_message(get_chapterlist()) end end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () mp.commandv('seek', -60, jumpmode) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_right_down'] = function () show_message(get_chapterlist()) end --skipfrwd ne = new_element('skipfrwd', 'button') ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 400 - nojumpoffset*10) ne.softrepeat = true ne.content = icons.forward ne.enabled = (have_ch) or compactmode -- disables button when no chapters available. ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_down'] = function () if compactmode then mp.commandv('seek', jumpamount, jumpmode) else mp.commandv("add", "chapter", 1) end end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_down'] = function () if compactmode then mp.commandv("add", "chapter", 1) show_message(get_chapterlist()) show_message(get_chapterlist()) -- run twice as it might show the wrong chapter without another function else show_message(get_chapterlist()) end end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () mp.commandv('seek', 60, jumpmode) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_right_down'] = function () show_message(get_chapterlist()) end -- update_tracklist() --cy_audio ne = new_element('cy_audio', 'button') ne.enabled = (#tracks_osc.audio > 0) ne.off = (get_track('audio') == 0) ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 500 - outeroffset) ne.content = icons.audio ne.tooltip_style = osc_styles.Tooltip ne.tooltipF = function () local msg = texts.off if not (get_track('audio') == 0) then msg = (texts.audio .. ' [' .. get_track('audio') .. ' ∕ ' .. #tracks_osc.audio .. '] ') local prop = mp.get_property('current-tracks/audio/title') if not prop then prop = mp.get_property('current-tracks/audio/lang') if not prop then prop = texts.na end end msg = msg .. '[' .. prop .. ']' return msg end if not ne.enabled then msg = "No audio tracks" end return msg end ne.nothingavailable = texts.noaudio ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () set_track('audio', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('audio')) end ne.eventresponder['enter'] = function () set_track('audio', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('audio')) end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_up'] = function () set_track('audio', -1) show_message(get_tracklist('audio')) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () set_track('audio', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('audio')) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_right_down'] = function () show_message(get_tracklist('audio')) end --cy_sub ne = new_element('cy_sub', 'button') ne.enabled = (#tracks_osc.sub > 0) ne.off = (get_track('sub') == 0) ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset) ne.content = icons.sub ne.tooltip_style = osc_styles.Tooltip ne.tooltipF = function () local msg = texts.off if not (get_track('sub') == 0) then msg = (texts.subtitle .. ' [' .. get_track('sub') .. ' ∕ ' .. #tracks_osc.sub .. '] ') local prop = mp.get_property('current-tracks/sub/lang') if not prop then prop = texts.na end msg = msg .. '[' .. prop .. ']' prop = mp.get_property('current-tracks/sub/title') if prop then msg = msg .. ' ' .. prop end return msg end return msg end ne.nothingavailable = texts.nosub ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () set_track('sub', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('sub')) end ne.eventresponder['enter'] = function () set_track('sub', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('sub')) end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_up'] = function () set_track('sub', -1) show_message(get_tracklist('sub')) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_left_down'] = function () set_track('sub', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('sub')) end ne.eventresponder['shift+mbtn_right_down'] = function () show_message(get_tracklist('sub')) end -- vol_ctrl ne = new_element('vol_ctrl', 'button') ne.enabled = (get_track('audio')>0) ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 700 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volumecontrol ne.content = function () local volume = mp.get_property_number("volume", 0) if state.mute then return icons.volumemute else if volume > 85 then return icons.volume else return icons.volumelow end end end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () mp.commandv('cycle', 'mute') end ne.eventresponder["wheel_up_press"] = function () if (state.mute) then mp.commandv('cycle', 'mute') end mp.commandv("osd-auto", "add", "volume", 5) end ne.eventresponder["wheel_down_press"] = function () if (state.mute) then mp.commandv('cycle', 'mute') end mp.commandv("osd-auto", "add", "volume", -5) end --tog_fs ne = new_element('tog_fs', 'button') ne.content = function () if (state.fullscreen) then return (icons.minimize) else return (icons.fullscreen) end end ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 250) ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () mp.commandv('cycle', 'fullscreen') end --tog_loop ne = new_element('tog_loop', 'button') ne.content = function () if (state.looping) then return (icons.loopon) else return (icons.loopoff) end end ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 600 - outeroffset) ne.tooltip_style = osc_styles.Tooltip ne.tooltipF = function () local msg = texts.loopenable if state.looping then msg = texts.loopdisable end return msg end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () state.looping = not state.looping mp.set_property_native("loop-file", state.looping) end --download ne = new_element('download', 'button') ne.content = function () if (state.downloading) then return (icons.downloading) else return (icons.download) end end ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 900 - outeroffset - (user_opts.showloop and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.showontop and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.showinfo and 0 or 100)) and state.isWebVideo ne.tooltip_style = osc_styles.Tooltip ne.tooltipF = function () local msg = state.fileSizeNormalised if (state.downloading)then msg = "Downloading..." end return msg end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () if (not state.videoCantBeDownloaded) then local localpathnormal = mp.command_native({"expand-path", "~~desktop/mpv/downloads"}) local localpath = localpathnormal:gsub("/", "\\") if state.downloadedOnce then show_message("\\N{\\an9}Already downloaded") -- open file system local cmd = "start $path\\" cmd = cmd:gsub("$path", localpath) os.execute(cmd) return end if state.downloading then show_message("\\N{\\an9}Already downloading...") -- open file system local cmd = "start $path\\" cmd = cmd:gsub("$path", localpath) os.execute(cmd) return end show_message("\\N{\\an9}Downloading...") state.downloading = true local command = { "yt-dlp", user_opts.ytdlpQuality, "--add-metadata", "--console-title", "--embed-subs", "-o%(title)s", "-P " .. localpathnormal, state.path } local status = exec(command, downloadDone) else show_message("\\N{\\an9}Can't be downloaded") end end --tog_info ne = new_element('tog_info', 'button') ne.content = icons.info ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 800 - outeroffset - (user_opts.showloop and 0 or 100) - (user_opts.showontop and 0 or 100)) ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () mp.commandv('script-binding', 'stats/display-stats-toggle') end --tog_ontop ne = new_element('tog_ontop', 'button') ne.content = function () if mp.get_property('ontop') == 'no' then return (icons.ontopon) else return (icons.ontopoff) end end ne.tooltip_style = osc_styles.Tooltip ne.tooltipF = function () local msg = texts.ontopdisable if mp.get_property('ontop') == 'no' then msg = texts.ontop end return msg end ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 700 - outeroffset - (user_opts.showloop and 0 or 100)) ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () mp.commandv('cycle', 'ontop') if (state.initialborder == 'yes') then if (mp.get_property('ontop') == 'yes') then mp.commandv('set', 'border', "no") else mp.commandv('set', 'border', "yes") end end end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_up'] = function () mp.commandv('cycle', 'ontop') end --seekbar ne = new_element('seekbar', 'slider') ne.enabled = not (mp.get_property('percent-pos') == nil) ne.thumbnailable = true state.slider_element = ne.enabled and ne or nil -- used for forced_title ne.slider.markerF = function () local duration = mp.get_property_number('duration', nil) if not (duration == nil) then local chapters = mp.get_property_native('chapter-list', {}) local markers = {} for n = 1, #chapters do markers[n] = (chapters[n].time / duration * 100) end return markers else return {} end end ne.slider.posF = function () return mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', nil) end ne.slider.tooltipF = function (pos) local duration = mp.get_property_number('duration', nil) if not ((duration == nil) or (pos == nil)) then possec = duration * (pos / 100) return mp.format_time(possec) else return '' end end ne.slider.seekRangesF = function() if not user_opts.seekrange then return nil end local cache_state = state.cache_state if not cache_state then return nil end local duration = mp.get_property_number('duration', nil) if (duration == nil) or duration <= 0 then return nil end local ranges = cache_state['seekable-ranges'] if #ranges == 0 then return nil end local nranges = {} for _, range in pairs(ranges) do nranges[#nranges + 1] = { ['start'] = 100 * range['start'] / duration, ['end'] = 100 * range['end'] / duration, } end return nranges end ne.eventresponder['mouse_move'] = --keyframe seeking when mouse is dragged function (element) if not element.state.mbtnleft then return end -- allow drag for mbtnleft only! -- mouse move events may pile up during seeking and may still get -- sent when the user is done seeking, so we need to throw away -- identical seeks if mp.get_property("pause") == "no" then state.playingWhilstSeeking = true mp.commandv("cycle", "pause") end local seekto = get_slider_value(element) if (element.state.lastseek == nil) or (not (element.state.lastseek == seekto)) then local flags = 'absolute-percent' if not user_opts.seekbarkeyframes then flags = flags .. '+exact' end mp.commandv('seek', seekto, flags) element.state.lastseek = seekto end end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_down'] = --exact seeks on single clicks function (element) element.state.mbtnleft = true mp.commandv('seek', get_slider_value(element), 'absolute-percent', 'exact') end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function (element) element.state.mbtnleft = false end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_right_down'] = --seeks to chapter start function (element) if (mp.get_property_native("chapter-list/count") > 0) then local pos = get_slider_value(element) local markers = element.slider.markerF() -- Compares the difference between the right-clicked position -- and the iterated marker to determine the closest chapter local ch, diff for i, marker in ipairs(markers) do if not diff or (math.abs(pos - marker) < diff) then diff = math.abs(pos - marker) ch = i - 1 --chapter index starts from 0 end end mp.commandv("set", "chapter", ch) if user_opts.chapters_osd then show_message(get_chapterlist(), 3) end end end ne.eventresponder['reset'] = function (element) element.state.lastseek = nil if (state.playingWhilstSeeking) then if mp.get_property("eof-reached") == "no" then mp.commandv("cycle", "pause") end state.playingWhilstSeeking = false end end --volumebar ne = new_element('volumebar', 'slider') ne.visible = (osc_param.playresx >= 900 - outeroffset) and user_opts.volumecontrol ne.enabled = (get_track('audio')>0) ne.slider.markerF = function () return {} end ne.slider.seekRangesF = function() return nil end ne.slider.posF = function () local volume = mp.get_property_number("volume", nil) if user_opts.volumecontrol == "log" then return math.sqrt(volume * 100) else return volume end end ne.slider.tooltipF = function (pos) return set_volume(pos) end ne.eventresponder["mouse_move"] = function (element) -- see seekbar code for reference local pos = get_slider_value(element) local setvol = set_volume(pos) if (element.state.lastseek == nil) or (not (element.state.lastseek == setvol)) then mp.commandv("set", "volume", setvol) element.state.lastseek = setvol end end ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_down"] = function (element) local pos = get_slider_value(element) mp.commandv("set", "volume", set_volume(pos)) end ne.eventresponder["reset"] = function (element) element.state.lastseek = nil end ne.eventresponder["wheel_up_press"] = function () mp.commandv("osd-auto", "add", "volume", 5) end ne.eventresponder["wheel_down_press"] = function () mp.commandv("osd-auto", "add", "volume", -5) end -- tc_left (current pos) ne = new_element('tc_left', 'button') ne.content = function () if (state.fulltime) then return (mp.get_property_osd('playback-time/full')) else return (mp.get_property_osd('playback-time')) end end ne.eventresponder["mbtn_left_up"] = function () state.fulltime = not state.fulltime request_init() end -- tc_right (total/remaining time) ne = new_element('tc_right', 'button') ne.visible = (mp.get_property_number("duration", 0) > 0) ne.content = function () if (mp.get_property_number('duration', 0) <= 0) then return '--:--:--' end if (state.rightTC_trem) then if (state.fulltime) then return ('-'..mp.get_property_osd('playtime-remaining/full')) else return ('-'..mp.get_property_osd('playtime-remaining')) end else if (state.fulltime) then return (mp.get_property_osd('duration/full')) else return (mp.get_property_osd('duration')) end end end ne.eventresponder['mbtn_left_up'] = function () state.rightTC_trem = not state.rightTC_trem end -- load layout layouts() -- load window controls if window_controls_enabled() then window_controls() end --do something with the elements prepare_elements() end -- -- Other important stuff -- function show_osc() -- show when disabled can happen (e.g. mouse_move) due to async/delayed unbinding if not state.enabled then return end msg.trace('show_osc') --remember last time of invocation (mouse move) state.showtime = mp.get_time() osc_visible(true) if (user_opts.fadeduration > 0) then state.anitype = nil end end function hide_osc() msg.trace('hide_osc') if not state.enabled then -- typically hide happens at render() from tick(), but now tick() is -- no-op and won't render again to remove the osc, so do that manually. state.osc_visible = false adjustSubtitles(false) render_wipe() elseif (user_opts.fadeduration > 0) then if not(state.osc_visible == false) then state.anitype = 'out' request_tick() end else osc_visible(false) end if thumbfast.available then mp.commandv("script-message-to", "thumbfast", "clear") end end function osc_visible(visible) if state.osc_visible ~= visible then state.osc_visible = visible adjustSubtitles(true) -- raise subtitles end request_tick() end function adjustSubtitles(visible) if visible and user_opts.raisesubswithosc and state.osc_visible == true and (state.fullscreen == false or user_opts.showfullscreen) then local w, h = mp.get_osd_size() if h > 0 then mp.commandv('set', 'sub-pos', math.floor((osc_param.playresy - 175)/osc_param.playresy*100)) -- percentage end else mp.commandv('set', 'sub-pos', 100) end end function pause_state(name, enabled) -- fix OSC instantly hiding after scrubbing (initiates a 'fake' pause to stop issues when scrubbing to the end of files) if (state.playingWhilstSeeking) then state.playingWhilstSeekingWaitingForEnd = true return end if (state.playingWhilstSeekingWaitingForEnd) then state.playingWhilstSeekingWaitingForEnd = false return end state.paused = enabled if user_opts.showonpause then if enabled then visibility_mode("auto") show_osc() else visibility_mode("auto") end end request_tick() end function cache_state(name, st) state.cache_state = st request_tick() end -- Request that tick() is called (which typically re-renders the OSC). -- The tick is then either executed immediately, or rate-limited if it was -- called a small time ago. function request_tick() if state.tick_timer == nil then state.tick_timer = mp.add_timeout(0, tick) end if not state.tick_timer:is_enabled() then local now = mp.get_time() local timeout = tick_delay - (now - state.tick_last_time) if timeout < 0 then timeout = 0 end state.tick_timer.timeout = timeout state.tick_timer:resume() end end function mouse_leave() if get_hidetimeout() >= 0 then hide_osc() end -- reset mouse position state.last_mouseX, state.last_mouseY = nil, nil state.mouse_in_window = false end function request_init() state.initREQ = true request_tick() end -- Like request_init(), but also request an immediate update function request_init_resize() request_init() -- ensure immediate update state.tick_timer:kill() state.tick_timer.timeout = 0 state.tick_timer:resume() end function render_wipe() msg.trace('render_wipe()') state.osd.data = "" -- allows set_osd to immediately update on enable state.osd:remove() end function render() msg.trace('rendering') local current_screen_sizeX, current_screen_sizeY, aspect = mp.get_osd_size() local mouseX, mouseY = get_virt_mouse_pos() local now = mp.get_time() -- check if display changed, if so request reinit if not (state.mp_screen_sizeX == current_screen_sizeX and state.mp_screen_sizeY == current_screen_sizeY) then request_init_resize() state.mp_screen_sizeX = current_screen_sizeX state.mp_screen_sizeY = current_screen_sizeY end -- init management if state.active_element then -- mouse is held down on some element - keep ticking and igore initReq -- till it's released, or else the mouse-up (click) will misbehave or -- get ignored. that's because osc_init() recreates the osc elements, -- but mouse handling depends on the elements staying unmodified -- between mouse-down and mouse-up (using the index active_element). request_tick() elseif state.initREQ then osc_init() state.initREQ = false -- store initial mouse position if (state.last_mouseX == nil or state.last_mouseY == nil) and not (mouseX == nil or mouseY == nil) then state.last_mouseX, state.last_mouseY = mouseX, mouseY end end -- fade animation if not(state.anitype == nil) then if (state.anistart == nil) then state.anistart = now end if (now < state.anistart + (user_opts.fadeduration/1000)) then if (state.anitype == 'in') then --fade in osc_visible(true) state.animation = scale_value(state.anistart, (state.anistart + (user_opts.fadeduration/1000)), 255, 0, now) elseif (state.anitype == 'out') then --fade out state.animation = scale_value(state.anistart, (state.anistart + (user_opts.fadeduration/1000)), 0, 255, now) end else if (state.anitype == 'out') then osc_visible(false) end kill_animation() end else kill_animation() end -- mouse show/hide area for k,cords in pairs(osc_param.areas['showhide']) do set_virt_mouse_area(cords.x1, cords.y1, cords.x2, cords.y2, 'showhide') end if osc_param.areas['showhide_wc'] then for k,cords in pairs(osc_param.areas['showhide_wc']) do set_virt_mouse_area(cords.x1, cords.y1, cords.x2, cords.y2, 'showhide_wc') end else set_virt_mouse_area(0, 0, 0, 0, 'showhide_wc') end do_enable_keybindings() -- mouse input area local mouse_over_osc = false for _,cords in ipairs(osc_param.areas['input']) do if state.osc_visible then -- activate only when OSC is actually visible set_virt_mouse_area(cords.x1, cords.y1, cords.x2, cords.y2, 'input') end if state.osc_visible ~= state.input_enabled then if state.osc_visible then mp.enable_key_bindings('input') else mp.disable_key_bindings('input') end state.input_enabled = state.osc_visible end if (mouse_hit_coords(cords.x1, cords.y1, cords.x2, cords.y2)) then mouse_over_osc = true end end if osc_param.areas['window-controls'] then for _,cords in ipairs(osc_param.areas['window-controls']) do if state.osc_visible then -- activate only when OSC is actually visible set_virt_mouse_area(cords.x1, cords.y1, cords.x2, cords.y2, 'window-controls') mp.enable_key_bindings('window-controls') else mp.disable_key_bindings('window-controls') end if (mouse_hit_coords(cords.x1, cords.y1, cords.x2, cords.y2)) then mouse_over_osc = true end end end if osc_param.areas['window-controls-title'] then for _,cords in ipairs(osc_param.areas['window-controls-title']) do if (mouse_hit_coords(cords.x1, cords.y1, cords.x2, cords.y2)) then mouse_over_osc = true end end end -- autohide if not (state.showtime == nil) and (get_hidetimeout() >= 0) then local timeout = state.showtime + (get_hidetimeout()/1000) - now if timeout <= 0 then if (state.active_element == nil) and (user_opts.bottomhover or not (mouse_over_osc)) then hide_osc() end else -- the timer is only used to recheck the state and to possibly run -- the code above again if not state.hide_timer then state.hide_timer = mp.add_timeout(0, tick) end state.hide_timer.timeout = timeout -- re-arm state.hide_timer:kill() state.hide_timer:resume() end end -- actual rendering local ass = assdraw.ass_new() -- Messages render_message(ass) -- actual OSC if state.osc_visible then render_elements(ass) end -- submit set_osd(osc_param.playresy * osc_param.display_aspect, osc_param.playresy, ass.text) end -- -- Event handling -- local function element_has_action(element, action) return element and element.eventresponder and element.eventresponder[action] end function process_event(source, what) local action = string.format('%s%s', source, what and ('_' .. what) or '') if what == 'down' or what == 'press' then resetTimeout() -- clicking resets the hideosc timer for n = 1, #elements do if mouse_hit(elements[n]) and elements[n].eventresponder and (elements[n].eventresponder[source .. '_up'] or elements[n].eventresponder[action]) then if what == 'down' then state.active_element = n state.active_event_source = source end -- fire the down or press event if the element has one if element_has_action(elements[n], action) then elements[n].eventresponder[action](elements[n]) end end end elseif what == 'up' then if elements[state.active_element] then local n = state.active_element if n == 0 then --click on background (does not work) elseif element_has_action(elements[n], action) and mouse_hit(elements[n]) then elements[n].eventresponder[action](elements[n]) end --reset active element if element_has_action(elements[n], 'reset') then elements[n].eventresponder['reset'](elements[n]) end end state.active_element = nil state.mouse_down_counter = 0 elseif source == 'mouse_move' then state.mouse_in_window = true local mouseX, mouseY = get_virt_mouse_pos() if (user_opts.minmousemove == 0) or (not ((state.last_mouseX == nil) or (state.last_mouseY == nil)) and ((math.abs(mouseX - state.last_mouseX) >= user_opts.minmousemove) or (math.abs(mouseY - state.last_mouseY) >= user_opts.minmousemove))) then if user_opts.bottomhover then -- if enabled, only show osc if mouse is hovering at the bottom of the screen (where the UI elements are) if (mouseY > osc_param.playresy - 200) or ((not state.border or state.fullscreen) and mouseY < 40) then -- account for scaling options show_osc() else hide_osc() end else show_osc() end end state.last_mouseX, state.last_mouseY = mouseX, mouseY local n = state.active_element if element_has_action(elements[n], action) then elements[n].eventresponder[action](elements[n]) end end -- ensure rendering after any (mouse) event - icons could change etc request_tick() end local logo_lines = { -- White border "{\\c&HE5E5E5&\\p6}m 895 10 b 401 10 0 410 0 905 0 1399 401 1800 895 1800 1390 1800 1790 1399 1790 905 1790 410 1390 10 895 10 {\\p0}", -- Purple fill "{\\c&H682167&\\p6}m 925 42 b 463 42 87 418 87 880 87 1343 463 1718 925 1718 1388 1718 1763 1343 1763 880 1763 418 1388 42 925 42{\\p0}", -- Darker fill "{\\c&H430142&\\p6}m 1605 828 b 1605 1175 1324 1456 977 1456 631 1456 349 1175 349 828 349 482 631 200 977 200 1324 200 1605 482 1605 828{\\p0}", -- White fill "{\\c&HDDDBDD&\\p6}m 1296 910 b 1296 1131 1117 1310 897 1310 676 1310 497 1131 497 910 497 689 676 511 897 511 1117 511 1296 689 1296 910{\\p0}", -- Triangle "{\\c&H691F69&\\p6}m 762 1113 l 762 708 b 881 776 1000 843 1119 911 1000 978 881 1046 762 1113{\\p0}", } local santa_hat_lines = { -- Pompoms "{\\c&HC0C0C0&\\p6}m 500 -323 b 491 -322 481 -318 475 -311 465 -312 456 -319 446 -318 434 -314 427 -304 417 -297 410 -290 404 -282 395 -278 390 -274 387 -267 381 -265 377 -261 379 -254 384 -253 397 -244 409 -232 425 -228 437 -228 446 -218 457 -217 462 -216 466 -213 468 -209 471 -205 477 -203 482 -206 491 -211 499 -217 508 -222 532 -235 556 -249 576 -267 584 -272 584 -284 578 -290 569 -305 550 -312 533 -309 523 -310 515 -316 507 -321 505 -323 503 -323 500 -323{\\p0}", "{\\c&HE0E0E0&\\p6}m 315 -260 b 286 -258 259 -240 246 -215 235 -210 222 -215 211 -211 204 -188 177 -176 172 -151 170 -139 163 -128 154 -121 143 -103 141 -81 143 -60 139 -46 125 -34 129 -17 132 -1 134 16 142 30 145 56 161 80 181 96 196 114 210 133 231 144 266 153 303 138 328 115 373 79 401 28 423 -24 446 -73 465 -123 483 -174 487 -199 467 -225 442 -227 421 -232 402 -242 384 -254 364 -259 342 -250 322 -260 320 -260 317 -261 315 -260{\\p0}", -- Main cap "{\\c&H0000F0&\\p6}m 1151 -523 b 1016 -516 891 -458 769 -406 693 -369 624 -319 561 -262 526 -252 465 -235 479 -187 502 -147 551 -135 588 -111 1115 165 1379 232 1909 761 1926 800 1952 834 1987 858 2020 883 2053 912 2065 952 2088 1000 2146 962 2139 919 2162 836 2156 747 2143 662 2131 615 2116 567 2122 517 2120 410 2090 306 2089 199 2092 147 2071 99 2034 64 1987 5 1928 -41 1869 -86 1777 -157 1712 -256 1629 -337 1578 -389 1521 -436 1461 -476 1407 -509 1343 -507 1284 -515 1240 -519 1195 -521 1151 -523{\\p0}", -- Cap shadow "{\\c&H0000AA&\\p6}m 1657 248 b 1658 254 1659 261 1660 267 1669 276 1680 284 1689 293 1695 302 1700 311 1707 320 1716 325 1726 330 1735 335 1744 347 1752 360 1761 371 1753 352 1754 331 1753 311 1751 237 1751 163 1751 90 1752 64 1752 37 1767 14 1778 -3 1785 -24 1786 -45 1786 -60 1786 -77 1774 -87 1760 -96 1750 -78 1751 -65 1748 -37 1750 -8 1750 20 1734 78 1715 134 1699 192 1694 211 1689 231 1676 246 1671 251 1661 255 1657 248 m 1909 541 b 1914 542 1922 549 1917 539 1919 520 1921 502 1919 483 1918 458 1917 433 1915 407 1930 373 1942 338 1947 301 1952 270 1954 238 1951 207 1946 214 1947 229 1945 239 1939 278 1936 318 1924 356 1923 362 1913 382 1912 364 1906 301 1904 237 1891 175 1887 150 1892 126 1892 101 1892 68 1893 35 1888 2 1884 -9 1871 -20 1859 -14 1851 -6 1854 9 1854 20 1855 58 1864 95 1873 132 1883 179 1894 225 1899 273 1908 362 1910 451 1909 541{\\p0}", -- Brim and tip pompom "{\\c&HF8F8F8&\\p6}m 626 -191 b 565 -155 486 -196 428 -151 387 -115 327 -101 304 -47 273 2 267 59 249 113 219 157 217 213 215 265 217 309 260 302 285 283 373 264 465 264 555 257 608 252 655 292 709 287 759 294 816 276 863 298 903 340 972 324 1012 367 1061 394 1125 382 1167 424 1213 462 1268 482 1322 506 1385 546 1427 610 1479 662 1510 690 1534 725 1566 752 1611 796 1664 830 1703 880 1740 918 1747 986 1805 1005 1863 991 1897 932 1916 880 1914 823 1945 777 1961 725 1979 673 1957 622 1938 575 1912 534 1862 515 1836 473 1790 417 1755 351 1697 305 1658 266 1633 216 1593 176 1574 138 1539 116 1497 110 1448 101 1402 77 1371 37 1346 -16 1295 15 1254 6 1211 -27 1170 -62 1121 -86 1072 -104 1027 -128 976 -133 914 -130 851 -137 794 -162 740 -181 679 -168 626 -191 m 2051 917 b 1971 932 1929 1017 1919 1091 1912 1149 1923 1214 1970 1254 2000 1279 2027 1314 2066 1325 2139 1338 2212 1295 2254 1238 2281 1203 2287 1158 2282 1116 2292 1061 2273 1006 2229 970 2206 941 2167 938 2138 918{\\p0}", } -- called by mpv on every frame function tick() if (not state.enabled) then return end if (state.idle) then -- this is the screen mpv opens to (not playing a file directly), or if you quit a video (idle=yes in mpv.conf) -- render idle message msg.trace('idle message') local _, _, display_aspect = mp.get_osd_size() if display_aspect == 0 then return end local display_h = 360 local display_w = display_h * display_aspect -- logo is rendered at 2^(6-1) = 32 times resolution with size 1800x1800 local icon_x, icon_y = (display_w - 1800 / 32) / 2, 140 local line_prefix = ('{\\rDefault\\an7\\1a&H00&\\bord0\\shad0\\pos(%f,%f)}'):format(icon_x, icon_y) local ass = assdraw.ass_new() -- mpv logo if user_opts.welcomescreen then for i, line in ipairs(logo_lines) do ass:new_event() ass:append(line_prefix .. line) end end -- Santa hat if is_december and user_opts.welcomescreen and not user_opts.noxmas then for i, line in ipairs(santa_hat_lines) do ass:new_event() ass:append(line_prefix .. line) end end if user_opts.welcomescreen then ass:new_event() ass:pos(display_w / 2, icon_y + 65) ass:an(8) ass:append(texts.welcome) end set_osd(display_w, display_h, ass.text) if state.showhide_enabled then mp.disable_key_bindings('showhide') mp.disable_key_bindings('showhide_wc') state.showhide_enabled = false end elseif (state.fullscreen and user_opts.showfullscreen) or (not state.fullscreen and user_opts.showwindowed) then -- render the OSC render() else -- Flush OSD render_wipe() end state.tick_last_time = mp.get_time() if state.anitype ~= nil then -- state.anistart can be nil - animation should now start, or it can -- be a timestamp when it started. state.idle has no animation. if not state.idle and (not state.anistart or mp.get_time() < 1 + state.anistart + user_opts.fadeduration/1000) then -- animating or starting, or still within 1s past the deadline request_tick() else kill_animation() end end end function do_enable_keybindings() if state.enabled then if not state.showhide_enabled then mp.enable_key_bindings('showhide', 'allow-vo-dragging+allow-hide-cursor') mp.enable_key_bindings('showhide_wc', 'allow-vo-dragging+allow-hide-cursor') end state.showhide_enabled = true end end function enable_osc(enable) state.enabled = enable if enable then do_enable_keybindings() else hide_osc() -- acts immediately when state.enabled == false if state.showhide_enabled then mp.disable_key_bindings('showhide') mp.disable_key_bindings('showhide_wc') end state.showhide_enabled = false end end validate_user_opts() mp.register_event('start-file', request_init) mp.register_event("file-loaded", startupevents) mp.observe_property('track-list', nil, request_init) mp.observe_property('playlist', nil, request_init) mp.observe_property("chapter-list", "native", function(_, list) -- chapter list changes list = list or {} -- safety, shouldn't return nil table.sort(list, function(a, b) return a.time < b.time end) state.chapter_list = list request_init() end) mp.observe_property('seeking', nil, function() resetTimeout() end) -- chapter scrubbing mp.add_key_binding("CTRL+LEFT", "prevchapter", function() changeChapter(-1) end); mp.add_key_binding("CTRL+RIGHT", "nextchapter", function() changeChapter(1) end); mp.add_key_binding("SHIFT+LEFT", "prevchapter2", function() changeChapter(-1) end); mp.add_key_binding("SHIFT+RIGHT", "nextchapter2", function() changeChapter(1) end); function changeChapter(number) mp.commandv("add", "chapter", number) resetTimeout() show_message(get_chapterlist()) end -- extra key bindings mp.add_key_binding("x", "cycleaudiotracks", function() set_track('audio', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('audio')) end); mp.add_key_binding("c", "cyclecaptions", function() set_track('sub', 1) show_message(get_tracklist('sub')) end); mp.add_key_binding("TAB", 'get_chapterlist', function() show_message(get_chapterlist()) end) mp.add_key_binding("p", "pinwindow", function() mp.commandv('cycle', 'ontop') if (state.initialborder == 'yes') then if (mp.get_property('ontop') == 'yes') then show_message("Pinned window") mp.commandv('set', 'border', "no") else show_message("Unpinned window") mp.commandv('set', 'border', "yes") end end end); mp.observe_property('fullscreen', 'bool', function(name, val) state.fullscreen = val request_init_resize() end ) mp.observe_property('mute', 'bool', function(name, val) state.mute = val end ) mp.observe_property('loop-file', 'bool', function(name, val) -- ensure compatibility with auto looping scripts (eg: a script that sets videos under 2 seconds to loop by default) if (val == nil) then state.looping = true; else state.looping = false end end ) mp.observe_property('border', 'bool', function(name, val) state.border = val request_init_resize() end ) mp.observe_property('window-maximized', 'bool', function(name, val) state.maximized = val request_init_resize() end ) mp.observe_property('idle-active', 'bool', function(name, val) state.idle = val request_tick() end ) mp.observe_property('pause', 'bool', pause_state) mp.observe_property('demuxer-cache-state', 'native', cache_state) mp.observe_property('vo-configured', 'bool', function(name, val) request_tick() end) mp.observe_property('playback-time', 'number', function(name, val) request_tick() end) mp.observe_property('osd-dimensions', 'native', function(name, val) -- (we could use the value instead of re-querying it all the time, but then -- we might have to worry about property update ordering) request_init_resize() end) -- mouse show/hide bindings mp.set_key_bindings({ {'mouse_move', function(e) process_event('mouse_move', nil) end}, {'mouse_leave', mouse_leave}, }, 'showhide', 'force') mp.set_key_bindings({ {'mouse_move', function(e) process_event('mouse_move', nil) end}, {'mouse_leave', mouse_leave}, }, 'showhide_wc', 'force') do_enable_keybindings() --mouse input bindings mp.set_key_bindings({ {"mbtn_left", function(e) process_event("mbtn_left", "up") end, function(e) process_event("mbtn_left", "down") end}, {"shift+mbtn_left", function(e) process_event("shift+mbtn_left", "up") end, function(e) process_event("shift+mbtn_left", "down") end}, {"shift+mbtn_right", function(e) process_event("shift+mbtn_right", "up") end, function(e) process_event("shift+mbtn_right", "down") end}, {"mbtn_right", function(e) process_event("mbtn_right", "up") end, function(e) process_event("mbtn_right", "down") end}, -- alias to shift_mbtn_left for single-handed mouse use {"mbtn_mid", function(e) process_event("shift+mbtn_left", "up") end, function(e) process_event("shift+mbtn_left", "down") end}, {"wheel_up", function(e) process_event("wheel_up", "press") end}, {"wheel_down", function(e) process_event("wheel_down", "press") end}, {"mbtn_left_dbl", "ignore"}, {"shift+mbtn_left_dbl", "ignore"}, {"mbtn_right_dbl", "ignore"}, }, "input", "force") mp.enable_key_bindings('input') mp.set_key_bindings({ {'mbtn_left', function(e) process_event('mbtn_left', 'up') end, function(e) process_event('mbtn_left', 'down') end}, }, 'window-controls', 'force') mp.enable_key_bindings('window-controls') function get_hidetimeout() return user_opts.hidetimeout end function resetTimeout() state.showtime = mp.get_time() end -- mode can be auto/always/never/cycle -- the modes only affect internal variables and not stored on its own. function visibility_mode(mode) enable_osc(true) mp.set_property_native("user-data/osc/visibility", mode) -- Reset the input state on a mode change. The input state will be -- recalcuated on the next render cycle, except in 'never' mode where it -- will just stay disabled. mp.disable_key_bindings('input') mp.disable_key_bindings('window-controls') state.input_enabled = false request_tick() end mp.register_script_message("thumbfast-info", function(json) local data = utils.parse_json(json) if type(data) ~= "table" or not data.width or not data.height then msg.error("thumbfast-info: received json didn't produce a table with thumbnail information") else thumbfast = data end end) set_virt_mouse_area(0, 0, 0, 0, 'input') set_virt_mouse_area(0, 0, 0, 0, 'window-controls')