# Alias deprecated youtube-dl to yt-dlp if which yt-dlp &>/dev/null; then alias youtube-dl="yt-dlp" fi # Alias to .local/venv programs # Should probably move to symlinks if ! which xq &>/dev/null; then alias xq="${HOME}/.local/venv/xq/bin/xq" fi if ! which black &>/dev/null; then alias black="${HOME}/.local/venv/black/bin/black" fi if ! which blackd &>/dev/null; then alias blackd="${HOME}/.local/venv/black/bin/blackd" fi if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]] && ! which tac &>/dev/null; then alias tac='tail -r' fi # Nicer history alias h='history 1 | tail -r | bat --style=plain --language=zsh' # Set up ls aliases if which eza &>/dev/null; then alias ls='eza --classify --group-directories-first --git' alias tree='eza --classify --group-directories-first --git --tree --git-ignore' elif which exa &>/dev/null; then alias ls='exa --classify --group-directories-first --git' alias tree='exa --classify --group-directories-first --git --tree --git-ignore' elif which lsd &>/dev/null; then alias ls='lsd' alias tree='lsd --tree' elif [[ $(uname) = 'Darwin' ]]; then if which gls &>/dev/null; then alias ls='gls --color=tty --classify --time-style long-iso --human-readable' else alias ls='ls -GFh -D "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"' fi else alias ls='ls --color=tty --classify --time-style long-iso --human-readable' fi alias l='ls -l' alias ll='ls -la' # Coloured + VCS / common unwanted dir grep _GREP_EXCLUDE='{.bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn,.idea,.tox,venv}' if which grep &>/dev/null; then alias grep="grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=${_GREP_EXCLUDE}" fi if which egrep &>/dev/null; then alias egrep="egrep --color=auto --exclude-dir=${_GREP_EXCLUDE}" fi if which fgrep &>/dev/null; then alias fgrep="fgrep --color=auto --exclude-dir=${_GREP_EXCLUDE}" fi if which todo.sh &>/dev/null; then alias t='todo.sh' alias tls='todo.sh ls | head -n 10' alias tl='todo.sh ls | less' fi # Colorise if which ip &>/dev/null; then alias ip='ip -c' fi if which watch &>/dev/null; then alias watch='watch --color' fi # Arch stuff if which yay &>/dev/null; then alias yay='sudo -u aurbuilder yay' fi if which pacman &>/dev/null; then alias pacman='pacman --color auto' fi if which pactree &>/dev/null; then alias pactree='pactree --color' fi # Date stuff alias isodate='date +%Y-%m-%d' alias isodatetime='date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' alias pdate='date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z"' # Force myself to use better things if which bat &>/dev/null; then alias cat='bat' fi # Trash instead of rm if which trash &>/dev/null; then alias rm='trash' fi # prettyping if which prettyping &>/dev/null; then alias pping='prettyping --nolegend' fi # Use open as xdg-open on macOS if ! which xdg-open &>/dev/null && which open &>/dev/null; then alias xdg-open='open' fi # shorthand for dumping QR codes in CLI if which qrencode &>/dev/null; then alias qr='qrencode -t UTF8 -o -' alias qri='qrencode -t UTF8i -o -' fi # Generic dir aliases alias -g ...='../..' alias -g ....='../../..' alias -g .....='../../../..' alias -g ......='../../../../..' alias -- -='cd -' alias 1='cd -1' alias 2='cd -2' alias 3='cd -3' alias 4='cd -4' alias 5='cd -5' alias 6='cd -6' alias 7='cd -7' alias 8='cd -8' alias 9='cd -9' alias dh='dirs -v'