summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/dot_local
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_local')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dot_local/bin/ b/dot_local/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4996717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dot_local/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Janky diffing."""
+import argparse
+import dataclasses
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from functools import cached_property
+import logging
+import re
+import subprocess
+from typing import Collection, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
+import difflib
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    '/etc',
+    '/opt',
+    '/usr',
+    '/usr/lib/modules',
+    '/usr/lib/firmware',
+    '/usr/include',
+    '/usr/share/man',
+    '/opt/keycloak',
+    '/etc/letsencrypt',
+    '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist',
+    '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.bak',
+    '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg',
+    '/etc/mot'
+class SshConfig:
+    hostname: str
+    username: str = 'root'
+    private_key: Optional[str] = None
+    @cached_property
+    def ssh_command(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
+        if self.private_key is None:
+            return 'ssh', f'{self.username}@{self.hostname}'
+        return 'ssh', '-i', self.private_key, f'{self.username}@{self.hostname}'
+class Stat:
+    name: str
+    link: Optional[str]
+    file_type: str
+    mode: str
+    user: str
+    group: str
+    _re = re.compile(r"'(?P<name>.+?)'"
+                     r"( -> '(?P<link>.+?))?"
+                     r" (?P<file_type>.+)"
+                     r" (?P<mode>\d{3,4})"
+                     r" (?P<user>[^ ]+)"
+                     r" (?P<group>[^ ]+)")
+    @classmethod
+    def from_line(cls, line: bytes):
+        match = cls._re.match(line.decode())
+        if not match:
+            raise ValueError(f'Invalid line: {line}')
+        return cls(**match.groupdict())
+    def replace(self, **overrides):
+        kwargs = dataclasses.asdict(self)
+        kwargs.update(overrides)
+        return type(self)(**kwargs)
+class DistDiff:
+    def __init__(self,
+                 ssh_config: SshConfig,
+                 paths: Sequence[str] = RELEVANT_ROOTS,
+                 excluded_paths: Sequence[str] = EXCLUDED_PATHS):
+        self.ssh_config = ssh_config
+        self.paths = paths
+        self.excluded_paths = excluded_paths
+    def run(self, *command: str, **kwargs):
+        # Ghetto escapes, because shlex breaks stuff
+        for char in (' ', ';', '(', ')'):
+            command = tuple(c.replace(char, f'\\{char}') for c in command)
+        whole_command = self.ssh_config.ssh_command + command
+        _logger.debug('Executing %s', ' '.join(whole_command))
+        p =, capture_output=True, **kwargs)
+        if p.stderr:
+            for line in p.stderr.decode().splitlines():
+                _logger.error(line)
+            raise RuntimeError('stderr populated')
+        return p.stdout
+    def find(self, *types: str) -> bytes:
+        command = 'find', *self.paths
+        # Type filter
+        if len(types) > 1:
+            command = command + ('(',)
+            for type_ in types:
+                if command[-1] != '(':
+                    command = command + ('-o',)
+                command = command + ('-type', type_)
+            command = command + (')',)
+        elif len(types) == 1:
+            command = command + ('-type', types[0])
+        # Prune filter
+        if self.excluded_paths:
+            command = command + ('(',)
+            for path in self.excluded_paths:
+                command = command + ('-path', path, '-prune', '-o')
+        command = command + ('-print0',)
+        if self.excluded_paths:
+            command = command + (')',)
+        return*command)
+    def stat(self) -> Sequence[Stat]:
+        stats ='xargs', '-0',
+                         'stat', '-c', '%N %F %a %U %G',
+                         input=self.find())
+        return [Stat.from_line(line) for line in stats.splitlines()]
+    def md5(self) -> Mapping[str, str]:
+        # TODO: Investigate how to make this faster with GNU parallel
+        md5s ='xargs', '-0',
+                        'md5sum', '-z',
+                        input=self.find('f'))
+        md5s_d = {}
+        for line in md5s.decode().split('\x00'):
+            if not line:
+                continue
+            md5, filename = line.split(maxsplit=1)
+            md5s_d[filename] = md5
+        return md5s_d
+    def file_type(self) -> Mapping[str, Collection[str]]:
+        # TODO: Investigate how to make this faster with GNU parallel
+        types ='xargs', '-0',
+                         'file', '-0', '-0',
+                         input=self.find('f'))
+        types_list = types.decode().split('\x00')
+        types_d = {}
+        for filename, tags in zip(types_list[::2], types_list[1::2]):
+            types_d[filename] = set(tags.split(', '))
+        return types_d
+    def get_file(self, file: str):
+        return'cat', file).decode()
+def compare(host1, host2, paths, exclude, mode_ignore):
+    dd1 = DistDiff(SshConfig(host1), paths, exclude)
+    dd2 = DistDiff(SshConfig(host2), paths, exclude)
+    dd1_stat = { s for s in dd1.stat()}
+    dd2_stat = { s for s in dd2.stat()}
+    dd1_md5 = dd1.md5()
+    dd2_md5 = dd2.md5()
+    dd1_type = dd1.file_type()
+    dd2_type = dd2.file_type()
+    dd1_only = dd1_stat.keys() - dd2_stat.keys()
+    dd2_only = dd2_stat.keys() - dd1_stat.keys()
+    if dd1_only:
+        print(f'Files only on {host1}:')
+        for file in sorted(dd1_only):
+            print(f'  {dd1_stat[file]}')
+        print('')
+    if dd2_only:
+        print(f'Files only on {host2}:')
+        for file in sorted(dd2_only):
+            print(f'  {dd2_stat[file]}')
+        print('')
+    print(f'Stat differences between -{host1} and +{host2}')
+    for file in sorted(dd1_stat.keys() & dd2_stat.keys()):
+        if file.startswith(tuple(mode_ignore)):
+            if dd1_stat[file].replace(mode=None) != dd2_stat[file].replace(mode=None):
+                print(f'  -{dd1_stat[file]}')
+                print(f'  +{dd2_stat[file]}')
+        elif dd1_stat[file] != dd2_stat[file]:
+            print(f'  -{dd1_stat[file]}')
+            print(f'  +{dd2_stat[file]}')
+    print(f'Content diffs between {host1} and {host2}')
+    for file in dd1_md5.keys() & dd2_md5.keys():
+        if dd1_md5[file] != dd2_md5[file]:
+            if (any(tag.endswith(('text', 'text executable')) for tag in dd1_type[file])
+                    and any(tag.endswith(('text', 'text executable')) for tag in dd2_type[file])):
+                # Do diff
+                left = dd1.get_file(file).splitlines()
+                right = dd2.get_file(file).splitlines()
+                for diff in difflib.unified_diff(left, right,
+                                                 fromfile=f'{host1}:{file}',
+                                                 tofile=f'{host2}:{file}'):
+                    print(diff)
+            else:
+                print(file)
+                print(f'  -md5:{dd1_md5[file]}')
+                print(f'  +md5:{dd2_md5[file]}')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('dist_diff')
+    parser.add_argument('host1')
+    parser.add_argument('host2')
+    parser.add_argument('--paths', nargs='+', default=RELEVANT_ROOTS)
+    parser.add_argument('--exclude', nargs='+', default=EXCLUDED_PATHS)
+    parser.add_argument('--mode-ignore', nargs='+', default=['/boot'])
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+    compare(args.host1, args.host2, args.paths, args.exclude, args.mode_ignore)